Vibration Analysis Using a Parallel Lanczos Method
A parallel eigenvalue solution algorithm, based on the Lanczos method, has been developed, implemented on a Flexible Computer FLEX/32 multi-processor, and applied to an example structural...
Concurrent Nullspace Methods for Multibody Systems
This paper presents a new concurrent multiprocessing algorithm for simulating the dynamics of constrained multibody systems. The systems considered are quite general in nature; they may...
Parallel Algorithms for Structural Optimization Under Dynamic Loading
Parallel algorithms and strategies are outlined for optimal design of frame structures subjected to dynamic earthquake loading. Parallelism is extracted in six areas: substructuring of...
Structural Analysis and Parallel Computers
This paper discusses the implementation of a parallel program that performs a two dimensional rigid frame analysis on a NCUBE/7 hypercube multicomputer. The program was written in C and...
A Finite Element System for the CDC CYBER 205
This paper summarizes some of the special considerations required for finite element system development on the CDC CYBER 205. A means of constructing an efficient database is presented....
Finite Strip Method in a Parallel Computing Environment
The finite strip method has been used to model many systems in structural mechanics. The orthogonality of appropriately selected shape functions allows a continuous system to be effectively...
Geosynthetics for Soil Improvement: A General Report and Keynote Address
The paper summarizes major developments in the field of geosynthetics since the previous symposium in 1980. The paper addresses the engineering functions of major types of geosynthetics,...
Flow Behavior of Kinked Strip Drains
Due to the often expressed concern over the axial deformation of strip drains and the resulting impact on flow rate, this study has been undertaken. A laboratory experiment has been constructed,...
Clogging Study of Geotextile with Weathered Mudstone
This paper focuses on the combined use of fly ash and geotextiles as a solution for the typical engineering problem of weathered mudstone slopes encountered in Taiwan. In situ collapsed...
Geosynthetics in the NATM Tunnel Design
This paper describes the Design Methodology for the New Austrian Tunneling Method (NATM) with special emphasis on the geotextile and geomembrane commonly used in the waterproofing design...
Survivability and Durability of a Nonwoven Geotextile
This paper presents the results of a field investigation and laboratory testing program to evaluate the properties of two different polypropylene, thermally-bonded nonwoven geotextiles...
Pull-Out Response of Geotextiles and Geogrids (Synthesis of Available Experimental Data)
During the past 15 years, there has been a considerable growth in the use of various materials to reinforce soils. The rapid development of geosynthetics and their increasing use in soil...
Shallow Foundation on Sand Underlain by Soft Clay with Geotextile Interface
One technique for improving the load-bearing capacity of shallow foundations on soft clay soil is to construct them over a compact granular fill laid over the clay layer. However, the...
Full Scale Foundation Trials on Grid Reinforced Clay
The paper describes the results of full-scale testing of strip footings on an alluvial clay site. Existing theory is briefly discussed but shown to be of little relevance to the consolidation...
Design of Ash Basin Dike across Cove
Embankments built over soft, unstable foundation materials had required that the materials either be removed or reinforced. With the introduction of geotextiles, it is now economically...
Finite Element Analyses of the St. Alban Test Embankments
Finite element analyses were performed of three embankments on sensitive clay that were constructed to failure at St. Alban, Quebec. One of the embankments was reinforced with flat-lying...
Laboratory Study of Geogrid Reinforced Soil Walls
The paper describes the construction and testing of three (3) large-scale geogrid reinforced soil retaining wall models. The models were 3 m high and were built in the RMC Retaining Wall...
Controlled Yielding of the Lateral Boundaries of Soil Retaining Structures
Lateral expansion of conventional or reinforced soil backfills is necessary to establish and maintain the minimum lateral stresses on soil retaining structures. Laboratory studies are...
Recent Progress in Coal Ash Utilization and the Effect of Environmental Issues and Regulations
This paper summarizes for civil engineers several publications that help to specify and use coal combustion by-products in construction and other applications in a technically sound, commercially...
Fly Ash Utilized in Concrete?Technology Update
Fly ash is frequently utilized as a pozzolanic substance in Portland cement concrete. Levels of such utilization, a reflection of current practice/technology, seem to have stabilized at...
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