Computer Aided Design of Butterfly Inlet Valves
Computer simulation of butterfly inlet valves (throughflow, lattice) in hydropower schemes is presented. The software is intended for practisting engineers to obtain significant parameters...
Synchronous Bypass Valves for Hydroplants
The requirement that synchronous bypass valves be provided on most hydroplants and the high cost of suitable valves have created a demand for rebuilt valves. Recently, the Bureau of Reclamation...
Fire Protection at the Grand Coulee Hydro Project
In the fall of 1980 a rupture of one of the Project's 525kV transmission cables occurred and created a fire. Power from three Third Powerplant 700MW units was interrupted,...
Competitive Model Testing for Replacement Runners at the Wells Hydroelectric Project
The Wells Hydroelectric Project, located on the Columbia River, contains ten Kaplan-type turbines, each rated at 123,000 HP (91,720 kW) at a net head of 64. 9 ft. (19. 8m). The plant has...
Independent Turbine Testing and Research
The St. Anthony Falls Hydraulic Laboratory (SAFHL) is presently upgrading their Turbine Test Facility. Completion of the upgrade, including checkout tests, is scheduled for Fall 1987....
Prototype Experience With Acoustic Flowmeters
The acoustic (ultrasonic) flowmeter offers many advantages over other methods for measuring discharge in penstocks for turbine performance tests. It is nonintrusive, inexpensive and may...
Tracer Dilution Flow Measurement Application to Short Penstock Length
Absolute performance evaluation of hydro-turbines requires the determination of flowrates. Flow measurement is probably the most difficult aspect of determining a unit's efficiency....
Turbine Efficiency Monitoring Utilizing Ultrasonic Flowrate Measurement
On-line turbine efficiency measurement can be achieved by ultrasonic flowrate measurement and state-of-the-art data acquisition techniques. A field performance test program conducted at...
Field Testing: Producing Complete Test Results on Site, A Realistic Objective
Modern technologies and instruments have had an influence in nearly every field imaginable. At Hydro-Quebec, the last ten years have brought about a complete transformation in the way...
Hydro Machinery Problem Solving Experiences
Within the last decade the use of modern data acquisition instrumentation and techniques have moved the subject of the machinery problem solving into a more scientific arena. This paper...
Index Testing With a Data Acquisition and Control System
A computer controlled index test has been developed that can be used to optimize blade-gate relationships on adjustable blade (Kaplan) hydraulic turbines. This paper includes hardware...
Experimental Investigation of the Cross Flow Turbine
A laboratory model of the Cross Flow Turbine was investigated in the Hydraulics laboratory of Colorado State University. Because of the successful use of this turbine in the developing...
Basic Considerations in Governed or Non-Governed Small Hydro Power Plants
This paper reviews the necessary studies and major considerations that must be completed for proper coordination and selection of a turbine governor, and generator. A discussion of the...
Design and Commissioning of the Philadelphia Hydroelectric Project
The Philadelphia Hydroelectric Project consists of a single horizontal-shaft double-regulated S-type unit, rated 3440 kW, utilizing a programmable controller for unit operation together...
Digital Control of 180MW Francis Turbines: Controller Design, Simulation, and Operational Results
The features of a new hydro-power station are outlined as are some specifications that the customer required of a digital controller. Both hardware and software aspects of this recently...
Programmable mMicroprocessors in Local Control of Hydro Power Plants
The main purpose of the control equipment is to provide the generator with means for operation of the power station equipment. There is a need for status information on the generating...
An Integrated Site Controller-Network Monitoring System for Small Scale Hydroelectric Sites
Over the past decade more and more small scale hydroelectric power developers have faced the question of the economic feasibility of installing microprocessor based control systems for...
Efficiency in Auxiliary Electrical Systems
In 1984, during the preliminary design for the proposed second powerhouse at the Corps of Engineers' McNary Dam on the Columbia River, the more recent improvements and techniques...
Grand Coulee SCADA System Procurement
Purchasing a quality Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) or Energy Control System (ECS) at a reasonable price for a particular installation can be a challenging undertaking....
Generator/Motors and Adjustable-Speed Drives for Waddell Pumped-Storage Plant
This paper describes the pumping and generating units and associated electrical equipment planned for Waddell Pumped-Storage Plant. Waddell Pumped-Storage Plant is to be located near Phoenix,...
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