Invasion of the Zebra Mussels
At first glance, the zebra mussel looked like doom for freshwater users in the Great Lakes: small, hardy, incredibly prolific European mollusks with an affection for freshwater intakes...

Water Pipelines: Tackling Toxics
In the spring of 1988, residents of Girwood, Alaska contacted the state's environmental agency to complain of foul-tasting drinking water. While most complaints came after...

Impacts of Ownership and Multiplicity on Infrastructure Performance
There are a variety of provision arrangements for infrastructure services such as electricity, telecommunications, road networks, rail transport services, and water supply. Existing arrangements...

Optimization of a Maintenance Station Network
This report is about a method for optimizing maintenance station and storage networks for maintenance of various traffic channels like streets, roads and sea channels. The results that...

Comparison of Aqueduct Reconstruction & Tunneling
The Massachusetts Water Resources Authority (MWRA) is proposing to provide redundancy for the Hultman Aqueduct which transports water over a distance of roughly 27 km. (16.9 mi.) into...

New Wells Safeguard Scenic Tahoe
Surface water for drinking and for snow-making is becoming scarce in the Lake Tahoe region, along the California and Nevada border. New Environmental Protection regulations regarding surface...

Water Management in the '90s
A Time for Innovation
This proceedings, Water Management in the '90s: A Time for Innovation, contains papers presented at the 20th Anniversary conference...

Shelter from the Storm
Assuming that EPA meets its most recent deadline (Octobet 31, 1993), municipalities (cities and counties) with populations of less than 100,000 that own or operate separate storm-water...

Characterizing Coastal Pollution Sources: Lessons Learned by the National Coastal Pollutant Discharge Inventory Program
The past ten years, NOAA has been developing and refining its capabilities to inventory and estimate pollutant discharges form point and nonpoint sources located in the Nation's coastal...

Petroleum Imports and Coastal Zone Management
With its growing net petroleum import position, the U.S. must accept continued dependence on tankers plying its coastal areas. Tankers also carry product exports, of course, a critical...

Estuary Management: The British Experience
This paper describes two estuary management studies undertaken in south-west England during 1991-92. Despite there being many differences between the studies in terms of why they were...

An Economic Contribution to Marine Park Management for Hanauma Bay, Hawaii
Hawaii's most popular underwater recreation area is the Hanauma Bay Nature Park on Oahu. To protect its valuable marine resources, the waters of the bay are designated a Marine Life COnservation...

Free the Elwha|
The Elwha River flows northward from the middle of Washington's Olympic Peninsula to the Strait of Juan de Fuca. As a coastal river basin, it was once home to all five species of Pacific...

Short-Term Water and Suspended-Sediment Fluctuations in a Louisiana Marsh
To determine the timing of and driving forces for sediment suspension and deposition and the effect of impoundment, three self-recording instrument packages were deployed in a section...

Meteorological Forcing on Louisiana Wetlands
The open wetland areas of southern Louisiana are vulnerable to meteorological forcing. On the basis of over one year U.S.G.S. funded measurements of atmospheric pressure, air-sea temperature...

The National Status and Trends Program: Development and Future Directions
NOAA's National Status and Trends Program was initiated in 1983 to provide information on environmental quality related to levels and effects of toxic contaminants in U.S. coastal and...

GIS and Laboratory Study Contaminants in Wetlands
Geographical Information Systems (GIS) provide excellent visualization and analyses of where pollution sources are located relative to existing wetland resources and areas of significant...

The Sea Sentinels Project: Watching Waves in Brazil
This paper presents the first results of the Sea Sentinels-a project for monitoring nearshore wave conditions in Brazil by means of visual observations. The observation techniques used...

Evaluation of Dissolved Oxygen and Nutrient Trends in the Houston Ship Channel from Historical Statewide Monitoring Data
Dissolved oxygen and selected nutrient trends in the Houston Ship Channels (Texas Water Commission (TWC) segments 1007, 1006 and 1005) during the period of 1969 through 1990 were evaluated...

Nekton Use of Salt Marshes of the Southeast Region of the United States
Published studies of nekton in salt marshes of the Southeast Region of the U.S. were reviewed to identify fish and decapod crustaceans associated with marsh-surface habitats, to describe...





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