Application of a Boundary Fitted Coordinate Mass Transport Model
A three-dimensional, boundary fitted coordinate, finite difference, mass transport model was applied to the Providence River in Upper Narragansett Bay, Rhode Island. The governing advection-diffusion...

Assessing Cu(II) Speciation and Transport in the New York Bight
The New York Bight had been receiving waste disposals, dredged spoils and acid dumps for the past 30-40 years causing accumulation of trace metals such as Cu(II) in water and sediment....

A Semi-Implicit Finite Difference Model for Three-Dimensional Tidal Circulation
A semi-implicit finite difference formulation for the numerical solution of three-dimensional tidal circulation is presented. The governing equations are the three-dimensional Reynolds...

Modelling of Coastal Circulation in Singapore Waters?A Hybrid Approach
A hybrid modelling technique which involves the integration of numerical and physical models has been used to study tide induced circulation in Singapore coastal waters. The modelling...

A Modified Adjoint Method for Inverse Eddy Viscosity Estimation for Use in Coastal Circulation Models
The adjoint method is used to develop an objective analysis technique for estimating the vertical eddy viscosity used in three dimensional oceanic models. A cost functional which consists...

The Last Freeway
Ever since what's now known as the Pasadena Freeway was completed in 1940, Los Angeles has been synonymous with the freeway�first with the ease and speed of transport it represented...

Evaluating Spillway Adequacy
More than a third of all dam failures are caused by overtopping. Equipment malfunctions or operations errors are sometimes to blame, but the principal cause is inadequate spillway capacity....

New Hong Kong International Airport
The airport at Kai Tak has served as a viable commercial operation since the lat 1930s and has played a pivotal role in the territory's development. The fact that Kai Tak has a finite...

Customer Requirements in Industrialized Housing
Residential construction efforts in the U.S. are highly fragmented, and this has slowed the application of new technologies. While there has been an increase in the use of manufactured...

Transportation Planning Requirements of the Federal Clean Air Act Amendments (CAAAs) of 1990: A Highway Perspective
The transportation community faces many challenges ahead, as it tries to meet the Nation's mobility needs, reduce congestion levels, and improve air quality. Traffic congestion is increasing...

Delaware Valley Regional Planning Commission's Anticipated Response to the Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990
By virtue of its charter to provide continuing, cooperative and comprehensive planning, the Delaware Valley Regional Planning Commission (DVRPC) has a commitment to adopt and maintain...

San Francisco Bay Area's Experience Developing Transportation Control Measures for Air Quality Plans
The San Francisco Bay Area has included Transportation Control Measures (TCMs) in air quality planning efforts since the early 1970s. Growing concern for traffic congestion has enhanced...

Effectiveness of Implemented HOV Lane System
Individual carpool lanes have proven their worth on a case by case basis. Now, in California and across the country, systems of HOV lanes are being planned for urban areas dealing with...

GIS for Transportation and Air Quality Analysis
Geographic Information Systems (GIS) promise significant potential to manage complex spatial data often required to address transportation and air quality analysis problems. However, this...

Evaluating the Effectiveness of Transportation Control Measures for San Luis Obispo County, California
The San Luis Obispo Air Pollution Control District has developed simple techniques to estimate emission reductions from various Transportation Control Measures. Accurate emission estimates...

Laboratory Tests of Modal Emissions and Off-Cycle Corrections to FTP-75
The modeling of emissions from on-road mobile sources is an on-going process. Two broad topics which are currently under study are the evaluation of driving cycles and the development...

Developing Protocols for Motor Vehicle Air Quality Modeling
This paper is directed to air quality analysts. It examines the issues surrounding a modeling protocol and how to work effectively with a traffic engineer on a project to model carbon...

Integrating Traffic and Air Quality Modeling Techniques to Predict Pollutant Concentrations Near Intersections
Many cities are considering transportation management measures and/or tailpipe emission controls to reduce the pollution associated with traffic congestion. A major difficulty is the expensive...

The General Theory of Quantitative Risk Assessment
From the many individual applications of quantitative risk assessment (QRA) that have been made in various fields, this paper abstracts and lifts out the concise, simple, and elegant cluster...

Aversion to Epistemic Uncertainties in Rational Decision Making: Effects on Engineering Risk Management
When faced with epistemic uncertainties in a decision problem, subjective expected-utility theory (SEU) implies that the only relevant characteristic of these uncertainties is the mean...





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