A New Technique for Measuring Fine Sediment Accumulation in Gravel Bed Streams
The collection and analysis of bed material samples has been a standard practice for determining the quantity of fine sediments (less than 3. 4 mm diameter) in stream gravels. However,...

Sediment Intrusion into the Substrate of Gravel Bed Streams
A physically-based model was developed to simulate the intrusion of fine sediments into stream gravel substrates and its effects on intragravel flow. The model is capable of simulating...

A Computer Program Simulation of the Effect of Upstream Agricultural Practices on the Survival of Salmonid Embryos
A physical-process based computer program was developed to quantify the cause and effect relationship between the survival of salmonid embryo and upstream agricultural practices. The impact...

Physical Habitat Simulation and the Moveable Bed
One objective of an instream flow analysis is to quantify a flow that will maintain the existing channel and/or flush fine material from the bed. Five empirical approaches to determine...

Development of the Nauvoo Point Plant Beds
In Pool 19, Mississippi River, the accumulation of sediment has resulted in soft-substrate benthic communities or macrophyte beds. Three areas in the downstream 12 miles of the 46. 3 mile...

Algorithms for Automatic Control of Diversion Dams
The application of local automatic control for the releases from a diversion dam that has intermittent river inflow is limited. For this case, it is better to install a remote monitoring...

Queensland, Australia - River Diversion Schemes
The east coast of the State of Queensland has high or very high annual rainfall which declines rapidly with distance inland. The area west of the Great Dividing Range, which parallels...

Garrison Diversion Unit?An Example of United States-Canada Cooperative Investigation
Canada and United States have cooperated in the investigation of disputed international waters on numerous occasions. The study of the Garrison Diversion unit is an example of an exhaustive...

Waterway is Public Works Landmark
The $2 billion, 234 mile Tennessee-Tombigbee Waterway connects the Tennessee River and the Gulf of Mexico at Mobile. The biggest Corps of Engineers civil-works project ever, it was created...

Some Perspectives and Philosophies on Risk-Based Decision Making in Water Resources
The authors have selected four perspectives of the water resources decision problem that illustrate how formal risk-based approaches may be applied - an economic perspective, an environmental...

Environmental Considerations in Risk-Based Decision Making in Water Resources
In the hypothetical Royal River Project there are several factors pertaining to environmental issies; these factors have a bearing on selection among the several alternatives and lead,...

A Methodology for Risk-Benefit Analysis of Lock-and-Dam Rehabilitation in the U.S. Corps of Engineers
The U. S. Army Corps Engineers operates and manages some 250 locks and dams in major rivers and ports throughout the U. S. At present, many of these structures are thirty-five to forty-five...

Ice Forces on Bridge Piers
The force that river ice exerts on bridge piers has been studied in the field and with models in the laboratory. Ice forces are a function of the strength, thickness, failure mode and...

Application of Lotus Symphony in Water Quality Modeling
The spreadsheet capability of the Lotus Symphony program package was used to simulate the dissolved oxygen dynamics in streams and rivers. 'Windows' were created...

The Middletown (CT) Riverfront Development Plan
Middletown is strategically located on the banks of the Connecticut River in the central part of Connecticut. Middletown has a tradition as a maritime center. During the seventeenth and...

The Charles River Project
The Charles River Project received the 1984 Presidential Award for Design Excellence in Architecture, Engineering, and Urban Planning. Sited between Charlestown and Boston's...

The Revitalization of Toledo's Waterfront
This paper traces the revitalization of Toledo's Maumee riverfront through a public/private cooperative effort that has spanned more than a decade. The development and funding...

Norfolk, Virginia Case Study
Through decades of hard work at revitalization, Norfolk has learned from its experience - success and failures. Perhaps the best lesson learned comes from the success of waterfront development...

Waterfront Development in Downtown Jacksonville
The development of the waterfront on the St. Johns River in downtown Jacksonville can best be described as 'putting the right pieces together, in the right place, at the right...

The River Walks of San Antonio Move to Providence
At the historic heart of Providence, Rhode Island, three rivers divide the city into three areas. Nearly one mile of river corridors have been abused over the last century, resulting in...





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