The Use of Technical Specialists in Quality Assurance Audits
This paper provides a nontechnical discussion of the use of Technical Specialists in quality assurance audits by the Office of Civilian Radioactive Waste Management's Office of Quality...

Quality-Assurance Program Description Defense Waste Processing Facility
This paper describes the Westinghouse Savannah River Company's (WSRC) quality assurance program for defense-waste processing at the Savannah River Site (SRS). WSRC is the operating contractor...

A Job Performance Aid to Criticality Safety
The handling of hazardous materials is becoming more and more of a major concern to everyone. As a result the laws and restrictions regulating the handling, storage, disposal etc., of...

The MacCSITS Database: A Tool for Curating Samples
Geologic samples are a primary source of data for the Yucca Mountain Site Characterization Project (YMP). The collection and study of the samples is regulated by requirements which mandate...

Throughput Rate Study
The Civilian Radioactive Waste Management System (CRWMS) Management and Operating (M&O) Contractor, has completed a study to analyze system wide impacts of operating the CRWMS...

ATW System Impact on High-Level Waste
Criteria are developed for transmutation system impact on HLW storage that are related to intrusion and long-term risk reduction. Thermal reactor, fast reactor, and accelerator-driven,...

Thinking Through the Rethinking Report
Congressional action in late 1992 set aside the existing standards for post-closure safety of a possible repository at Yucca Mountain, Nevada. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)...

Alternative Strategies?A Means for Saving Money and Time on the Yucca Mountain Project
The United States Department of Energy (DOE) is undertaking studies to determine the suitability of Yucca Mountain (YM) as a potential site for disposal of high-level nuclear waste. Yucca...

The Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (WIPP) Integrated Project Management System
The Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (WIPP), located 26 miles east of Carlsbad, New Mexico, is a research and development project of the Department of Energy (DOE), tasked with the mission...

Recent Management Experience of UK Performance Assessments of Radioactive Waste Disposal
The approach to management used over the past decade by a UK Government regulatory body (HMIP) to develop, test and apply integrated risk assessment methods, using a team of private contractors,...

Human Factors Engineering Applications to the Cask Design Activities of the Civilian Radioactive Waste Management Program
The use of human factors engineering (HFE) in the design and use of spent fuel casks being developed for the Department of Energy's Civilian Radioactive Waste Management Program is addressed....

Optimizing Human Reliability: Mock-Up and Simulation Techniques in Waste Management
This presentation describes an ongoing effort to incorporate human factors principles into the design and process development for waste management programs at a nuclear weapons plant....

Impact of Staffing Parameters on Operational Reliability
This paper reports on a project related to human resource management of the Department of Energy's (DOE's) High-Level Waste (HLW) Tank program. Safety and reliability of waste tank operations...

Simulated Hanford Waste: A Study of Physical Properties, Gas Retention, and Gas Generation
This study helps to establish the physical and chemical processes responsible for the generation and retention of gases within high-level waste contained in Tank 101-SY on the Hanford...

Assessments of System Impacts of Spent Fuel Thermal Characteristics and Emplacement Rates
Analyses conducted to evaluate the impacts spent fuel thermal characteristics and emplacement rates might have on the thermal conditions in a candidate geologic repository at the Yucca...

Trying to Make an Unwanted Facility Palatable
Finding suitable accommodations for the temporary storage and permanent disposal of this nation's low- and high-level radioactive waste is proving an ever more difficult task in this era...

Using Co-Management in a Voluntary Hazardous Waste Facility Siting Process
The recent approval for construction and operation of a hazardous waste management facility in Manitoba, Canada is an example of a siting process that is voluntary and that gives the community...

Use of Coupled Geochemical and Transport Calculations for Nuclear Waste Problems
The dissolution and migration of radionuclides from a final repository for radioactive waste is complex chemically. The dissolution and release rates depend on the chemistry and on advective...

Integrated Test Evaluation Decision Framework for the Yucca Mountain Project
An Integrated Test Evaluation decision framework and computer model were developed to help prioritize site-characterization tests at Yucca Mountain. An initial application of the framework...

Roadmapping: A Management Tool
Roadmapping is a process used by the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Office of Environmental Restoration and Waste Management (EM) to illustrate issue-based planning activities necessary...





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