Wind Tunnel Modeling of Time-Dependent Drift Topography
The aeolian wind tunnel is a useful tool for investigating not only the saltation physics of wind-driven sand, soil or snow, but also for determining the time-dependent development of...

Efficiency-Based Monitoring System Design
An analytical Monitoring Efficiency Model (MEMO) is presented to support the design of monitoring well networks at hazardous waste sites. The method simulates the migration of hypothetical...

Modeling in Support of Hanford Site Waste Management
The waste management practices for both radioactive and hazardous wastes at the Hanford Site are designed to comply with all applicable state and federal regulations. Results from numerical...

Preliminary National Evaluations of CO2 Emission Controls
Under the aegis of the International Energy Agency, several countries have begun making comparable studies of the cost-effectiveness of various measures to reduce emissions of carbon dioxide...

Optimization Models for Acid Rain Control
A series of related optimization formulations are presented for developing and analyzing acid rain control strategies. These models span a wide array of approaches and reflect a similarly...

A Model to Predict the Production Rate of AMD
Results generated from a model to deterministically calculate the production rate of acid mine drainage compared to those generated by an empirical model are nearly identical. The model...

Approximate Methods of Structural Analysis: Principles and Pitfalls
In this modern age when the trend in structural engineering and structural engineering education is to make more and more use of computers and standard structural analysis programs, there...

Wind Frame Design for Mid Rise Buildings
A brief discussion of drift limits is followed by design procedures for unbraced moment resisting wind frames and initial selection of optimized member sizes for chevron bracing frames....

The Boundary Element Method in Engineering Practice
The boundary element method (BEM) provides an excellent basis for the development of integrated design and analysis systems. The technique possesses the advantages of simple model generation,...

Approximate Preliminary Methods for Design of Lateral Load Resisting Systems in High Rise Buildings
A new group of optimization programs uses the speed and power of modern computers to eliminate the need for guessing preliminary sizes. Starting with any arbitrary sizes and a fixed geometry,...

Verification of Advanced Analysis Techniques
As a designer there is a concern over the complexity of analysis required by design specifications and building codes because it forces engineers into types of analysis for which many...

Verification of Approximate Methods of Structural Analysis
Sophisticated computer programs for the determination of the effects of instability on the inelastic stress resultants in steel structures will appear to be 'black boxes'...

Determination of Diffusivities of Sorbing and Nonsorbing Species in Rocks
Through-diffusion experiments were performed for the sorbing and nonsorbing species in granites. Determining methods of diffusivities were discussed according to sorption properties of...

Interpretative Modelling of Studies of Sorption of Radionuclides onto Geological Materials
An integrated modelling and experimental approach related to the quantification of the sorption of radionuclides onto geological materials is described. The primary role of the experimental...

Interpretation and Modelling Process of Bedrock Structures for Site Evaluation in Finland
The repository site for the final disposal of spent nuclear fuel in Finland will be selected by the end of the year 2000. Preliminary site investigations have been made in five areas since...

Characterization of High Radioactive Waste in a Reprocessing Plant Using Passive and Active Neutronic Methods
In the new UP3 reprocessing plant at LA HAGUE, drums containing hulls and endpieces are produced at the end of the shearing and dissolution shop. The determination of residual fuel masses...

Flow and Transport Around a Noncontinuous Horizontal Layer at Yucca Mountain
Computer simulations were used to examine the effect of a noncontinuous horizontal layer on the flow field and contaminant transport of a simplified conceptual model. The domain consisted...

Evaluation of Geoscientific Information Systems for Three-Dimensional Ground-Water Modeling, Yucca Mountain, Nevada
Fully three-dimensional representations of the geologic system at Yucca Mountain have been developed using a Geoscientific Information System, which is an expansion of a traditional Geographic...

Effect of Material Heterogeneities on Flow Through Porous Media
Modeling studies were conducted to determine the effects of material heterogeneities on the flow of water through rock. Multiple numerical calculations were made using random variations...

Unsaturated Flow Through a Variable Aperture Fracture in Topopah Spring Welded Tuff
The role of fractures in unsaturated flow through welded and nonwelded tuffaceous rocks is a fundamental question being addressed in performance assessment activities for the Yucca Mountain...





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