Deep Water Bering Sea Development Concepts
A brief description of the major environmental factors that a structure used to produce oil and gas in the deep water Bering Sea would have to cope with is presented. In particular, the...

Single Point Moorings for the Bering Sea
Multi or single-legged buoy systems such as conventional CALMs or SALMs would not survive the winter season in the Bering Sea because the forces generated in the anchoring chains by pack-ice...

Deep-Water Platform Solutions for the Navarin Basin
The environmental conditions prevailing in the Navarin Basin may impose limitations on the type and shape of production, storage and loading structures. The magnitude of the wind and wave...

Foundation Response of Arctic Structures to Time-Dependent Ice Loadings
Arctic structures are subjected to a variety of time-dependent loadings, the most important of which are those due to ice. An approach is presented for estimating the strength and deformation...

Creep Rate Analysis of Pile Load Test Data
The uniform creep behavior of five driven piles and one slurried pile based on pile load test data are presented and analyzed. The incremental static load tests carried out by ARCO, Alaska...

Developing a Drilling Structure for Arctic Waters
Fluor-Doris of Houston has developed a mobile, composite concrete and steel drilling structure called the Arctic Composite Platform (ARCOP). This platform is capable of operations in water...

Arctic Drilling and Production Platform Concept
An 80-well Arctic drilling and production platform for water depths to 100 feet in the Beaufort Sea transition ice zone is presented. It includes a novel inner caisson to help resist large...

A Hybrid Structural Ice Defense Mechanism
A hybrid plate composed of steel outer surfaces and a concrete core has characteristics that make it desirable for use on offshore structures in ice prone environments. The service and...

Research Challenges in Frozen Ground Pile Design
A fairly recent pile design analysis is reviewed. The influence of such factors as temperature, salinity, loading, etc. on frozen ground pile design is pointed out. Since many facets of...

Ice Forces on Port Structures Resulting from Moving Ships
Results are described of experiments carried out in Thunder Bay Harbour in March, 1984, to measure ice forces on a port structure. Ice forces were measured by installing five pressure...

Earth Pressure on Underground Concrete Pipe in a Field Test
The cause of cracking at the sheetpile extraction in concrete pipes buried by the open excavation method was investigated by loading tests on the pipe and a field test carried out by Osaka...

Multi-Truss Design for Tower
A modified structural steel system of outrigger trusses and belt trusses bolster the 54-story Equitable Tower West. Located in New York City, the building's structural system...

Local Pressure in Ice-Structure Interactions
Two models for the determination of local pressures during marine ice or iceberg collisions with bottom-founded structures are presented. The first model is a two-dimensional analytical...

Skyscraper (review)
The 1984 novel Skyscraper, by civil engineer-writer Robert Byrne, tells the suspenseful story of the collapse of a new, 66 story skyscraper...

Finite Element Methods in Structural Safety Studies
The use of finite element methods in structural safety studies is discussed and recent work in the area is briefly reviewed. Formulation for a first-order stochastic finite element method...

Evaluation of Structures by Dynamic Load Testing
The Frequency Sweep Method for the evaluation of structures by dynamic load testing was developed by the senior author. It is a non-destructive testing (NDT) method that was originally...

Loads Due to Human Movements
The live loads due to human actions are random functions being modeled from data obtained from tests to determine load histories for the actions of individuals and small groups of people...

Probability-Based Load Criteria for Structural Design
Load criteria for use in limit states design of structures are developed using probabilistic methods. Statistical data on load and strengths are integrated by the reliability analysis...

Design Load Combination Factors
This paper reviews alternative load combination formats for ultimate limit states in codified structural design. The need for explicit consideration of load-time variations and random...

Design Considerations for Wind Loadings
The application of reliability concepts to the treatment of wind loadings on structures has increased in the past several years. Advances have been made in assessing the various uncertainties...





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