Enforcement Support at an NPL Landfill in Colorado
Since 1964, the City and County of Denver has owned the Lowry Landfill site, located approximately 15 miles (24 km) southeast of Denver. During the period of July 1967 through 1980, the...

Benefits of Particle Size Management for Biological Wastewater Treatment
Particle size distributions in wastewater can be used to monitor and model the transformations that occur during wastewater treatment processes. Typical size distributions of organic contaminants...

Chemicals in the Environment: An Approach to Estimate Magnitude of Risk
This paper provides an overview of application of toxicological procedures to estimate health risks posed by hazardous materials in the environment. Emphasis will be placed on information...

Hydrogeologic Controls on Leachate Migration
The Brown Station Road Landfill is a municipal solid waste disposal site operated by Prince George's County, Maryland. The work described herein was conducted as part of a...

Seepage and Leakage from Dams and Impoundments
All major dams and impoundments are usually analyzed to determine the magnitude and location of seepage that can occur under, around or through the structure. More often than not, seepage...

Institutional Incentives and Disincentives for Water Recycling and Reuse in the United States
A complex set of legislative/regulatory, technological, water conservation, and economic factors operate to affect the degree of industrial wastewater reuse/recycle in the United States....

Agricultural Nonpoint Source Control Program for Lake Erie
Congress mandated (PL 92-500, Sec. 108d and 108e) that the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers design and develop a program for the rehabilitation and environmental repair of Lake Erie. The...

Interagency Coordination in Louisiana's Coastal Zone
The vast, diverse, and fragile coastal wetlands of Louisiana face continual problems, including flooding, shoreline erosion, land loss, destruction by hurricanes, channel dredging, dredge...

Survival of Ocean Life: The Critical Balance
Several major problem areas in ocean management are in need of immediate and stringent address. Excessive erosion and sedimentation, stems from man's inadequacies in land...

Contained Dredged Material for Open Ocean Disposal
An intensive series of investigations were conducted on the sediments deposited in Craney Island, a 1012 hectare contained disposal facility in the Port of Hampton Roads, VA. Geographic...

Dredge Material Evaluation Through Harbor Characterization in New England
The New England Division (NED) of the Corps has recently developed a broad based methodology for simultaneously evaluating dredging projects that are in close proximity and which would...

Ocean Dumping at the Philadelphia Site; A Case Study
This study reviews the results of eleven years of investigation of the impact of ocean disposal of sewage sludge at the Philadelphia dumpsite. The site, located on the continental shelf...

Radioactivity in the Ocean: Laws and Biological Effects
This paper summarizes the literature on U. S. laws and international agreements, experimental and monitoring data, and ongoing studies to provide background information for environmental...

Moving Society's Wastes Through the Coastal Zone
This paper considers the use of incinerator ships for the destruction of liquid hazardous waste. Needless to say, such a system requires movement of wastes through the coastal zone. This...

Modification of the Sedimentary Environment During Construction of the Hart-Miller Island Diked Disposal Facility
The state of Maryland contracted for the construction of a diked disposal facility. Research investigations were conducted to assess the impact of the dike construction on the environment...

Discharge Zone Classification System for Southern Puget Sound
This paper identifies marine areas where new or expanded discharges are unacceptable based on existing knowledge; e. g. , water quality standards are currently not met, and impairment...

Beneficial Use of Municipal Sewage in the Ocean
When sewage sludges and effluents are introduced in a properly controlled manner, they can be of benefit to large areas of the ocean. For example, benthic biomass and growth rates of commercially-valuable...

Monitoring Environmental Impacts from Waste Disposal in the Deep Ocean
Deep ocean sites are presently being considered for the permanent disposal of wastes. Their environmental acceptability can only be assessed by an efficient and effective monitoring plan....

Transition in the Nuclear Industry
Significant changes have occurred within the utility industry within the past 10 years. Projected growth in electric power demand has not materialized. Nuclear power plants, with long...

Waste Cleanup: Lessons Learned
Since hazardous waste mitigation is a new science, engineers need to pass on their experiences. The U. S. Army Waterways Experiment Station, seeking to expand the hazardous waste knowledge...





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