Fly Ash for Hire
Each year, roughly 15 million tons of ash created by U.S. coal-fired powerplants is recycled. Most is used in concrete and other construction materials, such as structural fill, but utilities,...

Hydropower's Balancing Act
Relicensing applications are due at the end of 1991 on some 170 hydro plants across the U.S., a large percentage of the more than 400 plants that will go through the process by 2010. Conditions...

Manhole Rehabilitation
Manholes are frequently the forgotten element in infrastructure renewal. When they aren't properly maintained they allow excess water into the sewer system, and structural...

Detection of and Construction at the Soil/Rock Interface
This proceedings, Detection of and Construction at the Soil/Rock Interface, consists of papers presented at the Symposium held on October 24,...

Retrofitting Fossil Plant Facilities Structural Perspectives
This publication, Retrofitting Fossil Plant Facilities: Structural Perspectives, was prepared by the Retrofit Task Committee of the Fossil Power Committee of the American Society of Civil...

Geotechnology: An Environment of Change
Today's contaminated materials�soil and water�have been investigated and analyzed by geotechnical engineers for a long time. No other branch of engineering is better positioned,...

Airport Construction: The Japanese Way
Japan is spending tens of billions of dollars on airport projects domestically and abroad through their aid programs. Examples of construction at the New Osaka Airport (Kansai), Narita/Tokyo,...

Knowledge Acquisition in Civil Engineering
Expert systems are an intriguing approach for transferring valuable problem-solving skills from the minds of human experts to the logic of computer programs. For the past several years,...

Selling to Civil Engineers
A Multiple Market Opportunity
It covers the engineered construction market, the rehab market, and the environmental market....

Stochastic Evaluation of Landing Pier Construction
This paper discusses the process of determining the magnitude of external force such as wind and wave pressure exerted on marine structures under construction, and the learning curve of...

Automated Damage-Controlled Design of RC Buildings
This paper presents an automated damage-controlled design method, which aims for uniform damage distribution throughout the entire building frame while respecting the strong-column weak-beam...

Lifeline Systems Reliability, Serviceability and Reconstruction
In this paper we present a brief outline of methods and results for characterizing the reliability and serviceability of oil pipeline systems. Further, we present an outline of methods...

Aseismic Reliability of a Strengthened R.C. Single Story Industrial Building
Based on results of seismic hazard analysis for a considered site, seismic reliability of a strengthened RC single-story industrial building against collapse has been evaluated. Inelastic...

Safety Assessment Methodology for Construction Operations
There are many factors that affect the safety of construction operations which might lead to failures and accidents. The factors are associated with random, human-based or system uncertainty....

Structural Error Identification for Control of Construction Accuracy
In cases of large-scaled structures it is very important to keep the criteria of construction accuracy and therefore to correct construction errors if any considerable errors are found...

Application of Probabilistic Methods in Construction Industry
Recent attempts for theoretical development and engineering application of probabilistic methods, which have been carried out in a Japanese engineering and construction company, are summarized....

Stochastic Finite Element Analysis of Metal Plate Connected Wood Trusses
A stochastic finite element approach is developed for use in ananlyzing metal plate connected wood trusses. The procedure uses linear beam-column elements to model the wood members. The...

An Investigation of Live Loads on Concrete Structures During Construction
Slab formwork live loads include the weight of equipment, construction material storage loads, and impact loads when placing the concrete. In this paper material and equipment loads are...

Evaluation of Lifetime Risk of Structures?Recent Advances of Structural Reliability in Japan
The Task Committee on Structural Safety and Reliability of the Japan Society of Civil Engineers has made survey of recent advances in the field of structural reliability. Consequently,...

LRFD for Engineered Wood Construction: ASCE Pre-Standard, Wood Industry Initiative
The structural wood community in the United States is in the process of developing a reliability-based consensus Load and Resistance Factor Design (LRFD) standard for engineered wood construction....





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