Internationalization of Engineering Professions
The most salient features impacting the development of our deepwater frontier areas are considered. The areas of higher potential for deepwater reserves are identified. The integrated...

Old Problems and New Challenges in Marine Geotechnical Engineering
The discipline of marine geotechnical engineering originated nearly five decades ago, primarily as a result of the offshore oil and gas industry. As this industry moved into deeper waters,...

Utilization of Waste Materials in Civil Engineering Construction
Industrial growth has increased the volume of wastes generated from energy production, mining, industrial processes and civil works. For economic and related reasons, the use of waste...

Wastewater under Home Plate
A short, highly sloped piping system and peak flows at the start and end of the day were causing the wastewater treatment plant in Daly City, Calif., to frequently exceed its permit for...

Electrokinetic Cleanups
Electrokinetic remediation of contaminated soils is a relatively new research area. Electrokinetic phenomena can be used to create barriers, and move particles, including pollutants such...

Small Utility GIS
Geographic information systems are revolutionizing much of the civil engineering field, providing engineers and managers with a new tool to relate databases and maps. But despite the benefits...

The Caisson Solution
Detroit is expanding its wastewater treatment plant to drastically reduce combined sewer overflows. The expansion, however, is being done on an extremely congested 4 acre tract of land...

Norway's Olympic Cavern
A mountainous task had been undertaken by Norwegian firms in constructing the world's largest in-mountain colosseum for the 1994 Winter Olympic Games in Norway. The Norwegian...

Civil Engineering in the Oceans V
This proceedings is a collection of technical papers presented at Civil Engineering in the Oceans V (CEO V) specialty conference held at College Station, Texas on November 2-5, 1992. Initiated...

Structures Congress '92
Compact Papers
These Congresses provide a forum for the practicing engineers, researchers and educators. The involvement of numerous ASCE Divisions has helped to create a program that will appeal to...

Journal of Professional Issues in Engineering Education and Practice
The Journal of Professional Issues in Engineering Education and Practice presents issues of broad professional interest and diverse views of engineering education, and professional practice. Papers examine...

Safety Factors, Loads, and Impact
The loads given in this chapter are intended for general guidance only (including wind, ice, stream flow, etc.). Maximum deflections and rotations may likewise vary with national codes....

Under the Undersea World
Soil conditions in New Orleans are generally unfavorable to the construction of large structures, and exceptionally so along the Mississippi River banks, which tend to slide. But that...

School Is In Session
Cost overruns, project delays and the city bureaucracy have given school construction a bad reputation throughout the U.S., particularly in urban centers. But as other construction markets...

Ownership Transition: Planning for Pitfalls
The transition of a company's ownership can be a crisis caused by the retirement or sudden death of a company's owners, or an event planned for well in advance....

Water Conservation at the Antarctic Wasa Base - Results 1989-90
The Swedish WASA base was erected in the Norwegian sector of Antarctica during the 1988-89 summer season. The base was on a nunatakk and consisted of a dwelling house with full living...

A Wetlands Sewage Treatment System for the Community of Teslin
The Village of Teslin, with a population of 450, is located in south-central Yukon, approximately 180 km southeast of Whitehorse. Since 1977, the community has been trucking its sewage...

New Admixtures for Cold Weather Concreting
Chemicals were tested for their ability to promote strength gain in portland cement concrete at low temperature. The admixtures depressed the freezing point of the mix water and accelerated...

High-Performance Concrete in All-Weather Deck Pours
A high-performance concrete mix enhanced with a combination of microsilica, superplasticizer, and high dosages of an corrosion-inhibiting, accelerating admixture (calcium nitrite); proved...

Impact of Cold Weather on Building Construction Scheduling
Weather impact on a building construction schedule is often significant in cold regions. Most deterministic scheduling methods are unable to directly account for the effects of weather...





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