Stereolithography is a three-dimensional printing process which produces accurate copies of CAD solid or surface models directly from CAD data. The process uses a moving laser beam, directed...

Gamma Exposure from Rn Progeny in GAC Units
An investigation into the gamma exposure rate generated by granular activated carbon (GAC) water treatment units focused on ten sites that covered a range of source radon (Rn) in water...

Using Borosilicate Glass as a HLW Storage Medium
There is growing concern over the quality of present high level waste management techniques. Instances of nuclear accidents and contamination at nuclear waste sites in the United States...

Low-Level Waste Disposal Design: An Overview
Low-Level radioactive waste disposal is regulated by several agencies. Mixed waste, which is both radioactive and chemically hazardous is regulated by two agencies with potentially different...

The Utilization of a Deflocculant to Decrease the Permeability of a Clay Liner
A hazardous waste landfill was completed in Oklahoma during 1988. The clay liner was constructed to fulfill the RCRA requirements for permeability of equal to or less than 1E-07 centimeters...

Drainage of Landfill Covers and Bottom Liners
This paper presents two new tools for preliminary evaluation of drainage-system designs. The first is a set of equations that define the saturated-depth profile for steady drainage over...

Instability of Bed-Surface Composition Due to Sorting Process in a Stream Composed of Sand and Gravel
Wavy patterns of sorting are often observed in a stream composed of sand and gravel, and they are regarded as instability of bed-surface composition due to selective bed-load transport...

Sediment Transport Modelling from Grain Size Data
Grain-size analysis can be useful in determining some of the hydrodynamic aspects of the evolution of a natural sand body. The suite statistics approach minimizes single-sample anomalies...

Sediment Transport in Hyperconcentrated Flows in Sand-Bed Streams
This study advances the understanding of sediment transport of bed material discharge in sand bed streams through application of recently developed theoretical concepts related to the...

The Area of Scour Hole Around Bridge Piers
The study is focused on what parameters determine the area of scour hole around bridge piers. An analytical study based on momentum principle has been used to reveal the variables involved...

Hyperconcentrations, Mud and Debris Flows?A Summary
Brief descriptions of the properties of mud and debris flow and hyperconcentrated stream flow materials and their importance to the descriptions and modeling of these flows are presented....

Selective Erosion: A Key Problem in Numerical Modelling of River-bed Changes
In capacity-controlled sediment transport of alluvial rivers the so-called 'hiding factor' determines the stability of the various grain-size fractions. The paper...

Relationship Between Channel Migration and Radius of Curvature on the Red River
The system behavior of meanders was investigated on the Red River between Shreveport, LA, and Index, AR. The effects of plan form geometry (r/w) and erodibility of bank material on the...

On the Coexistence of Bedload and Suspended Transport for a Uniform Grainsize Material
A sensitivity analysis and an experimental verification have been made to assess the validity of the equations that describe the sediment transport in non-equilibrium conditions, when...

Sediment Transport Rate for Non-uniform Sand
Based on the equations of bedload transport by authors, the functional relation of total sediment transport capacity of flow has been found. The modifying coefficient due to non-uniformity...

Stream Bank Erosion and Bed Evolution Model
The graded sediment routing and stream bed evolution model of D.K. Borah, C.V. Alonso and S.N. Prasad is expanded by combining with a riverbank erosion model developed by Osman and Thorne....

Estimation of Unsampled Sediment Discharge
A procedure is developed to estimate the total bed material load without using the size distribution of suspended load. Because of the uncertainties involved in the calculation of the...

Movement of Sediment Mixtures in a Parabolic Flume with Simulated Rainfall
A 4-m long flume with parabolic cross section and adjustable slope was constructed to investigate the sediment carrying capacity and the variation of grain size distribution during deposition....

Bed Topography and Sorting in Alluvial Channel Bends
A quasi-three-dimensional model has been developed for the purpose of calculating the velocity distribution, the bed topography and sediment sorting along channel bends. The depth-averaged...

Surface Roughness with Erosion of Earth Channels
A determination of the stresses effective in soil detachment is essential in determining erodibility. The soil roughness that exists during testing and in natural channels is a key element...





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