The Role of Headwater Benefits in Hydropower Planning
Headwater benefits are the power benefits that accure to owners of downstream hydroelectric plants as a result of the operation of headwater improvements. The retention of water in upstream...
Using Fall Streamflows as Predictors of Spring Runoff at the Dalles, Oregon
The Northwest hydropower system is characterized by a drawdown season when normally full reservoirs are drafted to meet firm obligated loads, and a refill season in which the reservoirs...
The Effect of Sedimentation on Hydro-Developments
This paper will discuss two major impacts which are the hydro construction on natural stream sedimentation and the sedimentation related problems during hydro operation. The two types...
A Case for Selecting Only Deterministic Spillway Design Floods for High Hazard Dams
The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission has under license or exemption from licensing more than 2000 hydroelectric dams. The Office of Hydropower Licensing published, in September 1986,...
Repair of The Hinckley Dam Embankments
The New York Power Authority was licensed in 1982 to construct and operate a 9 Mw hydroelectric facility at the existing Hinckley Dam near Utica, New York. Soil exploration programs undertaken...
Roller-Compacted Concrete for Dams
This paper summarizes the findings of an investigative report on roller-compacted concrete dams prepared by Morrison-Knudsen Engineers, Inc. (MKE) under contract to the Electric Power...
Cedar Falls Project-Rehabilitation with RCC
This paper presents an overview of the planning, design, and construction considerations used during the development of the 9. 1 m (30-foot-high) Cedar Falls Roller Compacted Concrete...
Dam Safety Emergency Action Plans?A TVA-State Responsibility
The Federal Guidelines for Dam Safety requires each dam owner to prepare and maintain emergency action plans (EAP) for each of structure. These plans are necessary (1) to identify problems...
Performance of Draft Tubes for Small-Hydropower Turbines
Tests of several conical and elbow-type draft tubes were conducted with varying degrees of upstream swirl. This swirl was generated by variable-geometry vanes. Draft tube efficiencies...
Small-Scale Hydro Power in Cold Climates
Small-scale hydro power is mostly developed under more pressing economical conditions than large hydro. It is therefore of great importance that the operation and maintenance costs are...
Innovative Intake Protects Both Aquatic Life and Turbine Equipment
The successful operation of small hydro projects requires an intake system with the ability to screen fish and debris from the water taken into the turbine. This separation may be required...
Appropriate Design and Construction of Conduits for Small and Mini Hydropower
The success of smaller hydro schemes often lies in identifying feasible and economic waterway systems to develop relatively high heads between low intake weir and powerstation. This paper...
Marginal Small Hydro Can be Made Viable
This paper presents the design and construction aspects of a 1,235 kW small hydro power development, comprising a new dam, gated spillway, intake canal, intake, penstock, tunnel, in-ground...
Designing a Modern Small-Scale Hydroelectric Plant
STS Consultants, Ltd. (STS) and Skidmore, Owings & Merrill (SOM) successfully teamed on four hydropower sites in Michigan during the 1980's. Three of the four sites...
Improving Design of Small Hydro Plants
One objective of this paper is to show why certain features of many small hydro plants have given poor operational performance or experienced expensive maintenance problems. A second objective...
Status and Prospectives of Small Hydro Power Development in Egypt
The paper describes the current status of hydropower development in Egypt and its future prospects. Emphasis is made on reviewing the potentialities for small, mini and micro-hydropower...
30 More Megawatts at the Don Pedro Project, Calif.
A unique and cost effective concept for installing an additional hydroelectric generating unit to an existing project in a very confined location is presented. The concept also allows...
Milltown Powerhouse Rehabilitation
The Milltown Powerhouse and dam are over 80 years old. The powerhouse and other structures were built in 1906 and are owned by the Montana Power Company. The plant is located on the Clark...
Modern Technology in an Ancient Environment?The Answan II Power Plant
The Aswan II power plant is located at the old Low Aswan Dam in Southern Egypt. This dam was constructed in the early years of the century in order to provide irrigation water for cash...
Managing the Jim Falls Hydro Redevelopment Project
This paper addresses two of the water management issues involved in the design and construction of the Jim Falls Hydro Redevelopment Project. These issues include selecting the optimum...
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