Small Hydro Analysis and Reporting Program
The Ontario Ministry of Energy initiated a project to develop an analysis program based upon metric measures and Canadian costs. The Ministry of Energy of the Province of Ontario has been...

Spreadsheet Applications for Hydropower Developers and Operators
This paper will examine the role of spreadsheet analysis in all aspects of hydropower development. The structure of the presentation will be first to briefly present an overview of the...

The Electric Consumers Protection Act of 1986 Changes FERC Hydropower Licensing
The Electric Consumers Protection Act of 1986 (ECPA) was signed into law on October 16, 1986. This legislation revised and created new ground rules for the processing of hydropower license...

Licensing and Relicensing After the Electric Consumers Protection Act of 1986
Recent changes in the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) regulations and subsequent, substantive legislative changes have produced a shift in emphasis in the licensing/relicensing...

The New Environmental Requirements of ECPA
The Electric Consumers Protection Act of 1986 ('ECPA') has imposed significant new environmental criteria on the hydroelectric licensing process under Part I...

Hydro Activities Through the 1990's: Focus on Relicensing
This paper discusses some of the more significant issues facing relicensing applicants in light of the new ECPA amendments to the Federal Power Act (FPA). In addition, some ideas for planning...

A Case Study: Relicensing of Pensacola Hydropower Project
The current license for the Pensacola Hydropower Project (orginally licensed in 1939) will expire in 1988. The relicensing process for the project currently is underway. During the consultation...

Issues in License Compliance and Monitoring
With the language in Section 12 of the Electric Consumers Protection Act ('ECPA') of 1986 (now Section 31 of the Federal Power Act), Congress gave the Federal...

Case Study on the Development of a Hydro License Compliance Monitoring System
As the holder of 29 Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) licenses, Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PGandE) has an obvious need to monitor and document compliance with the numerous...

New Vs. Old? A New Capacity Question Facing Hydropower Redevelopers
Determining the extent of PURPA-qualified 'new capacity' which may be created as a result of the modification/rebuild/redevelopment of existing projects is a...

Independent Consultant's Inspection Reports F.E.R.C. Order No. 122?The First Five Years
On January 21, 1981, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) issued Order No. 122, revising and expanding the periodic inspection program established in 1965 by the Federal Power...

Non-Federal Development at Federal Dams
This paper describes the recent participation of the Southwestern Division (SWD) of the Corps of Engineers in non-Federal development of the hydropower potential at existing Corps projects...

Licensing a Hydroelectric Power Plant at Navajo Dam
A hydroelectric power plant at the base of Navajo Dam was envisioned by the Bureau of Reclamation and the Bureau of Indian Affairs to support the development of the Navajo Indian Irrigation...

Non-Federal Hydropower Development at Federal Facilities from the Project Developer's Perspective
The City of Santa Clara Electric Department has three small hydroelectric projects in various stages of development at federally-owned facilities. Although all three of the Federal Energy...

Development of Hydropower Projects on National Forest System Land
The United States Department of Agriculture Forest Service has a major role in hydroelectric developments on National Forest System land. It is charged with managing the land for multiple...

The Uncompahgre Hydropower Project?A Historical Perspective
The process required for developing a potential hydropower site is both well-known and straightforward. It begins with the conception of an idea, and is fulfilled by engineering, economic,...

Tax Accounting Vs. Book Accounting for Small-Scale Sites: A Case History From Four Small-Scale Sites
The Public Utilities Regulatory Policies Act (PURPA) and the tax incentives the federal government granted in the early 1980's, rekindled interest in hydropower unlike anything...

Innovative Financing and Marketing Arrangements
The Southwestern Power Administration (SWPA), an agency of the Department of Energy, is developing some innovative financing and marketing arrangements with non-Federal entities for facilitating...

Impact of Annual Repayment on Efficient Use of Power Revenues
Congressional efforts to control Federal budget deficits are leading to new requirements for fixed annual repayment of investment in power and irrigation facilities. Traditionally, investments...

New Directions in Financing Water and Power Projects
The financing of water and power projects is not business as usual. Two changes in recent times have resulted in major realignments in the way water and power projects are being financed....





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