Storage/Treatment Isoquants for CSO Control Planning
A quantitative procedure which identifies the technically efficient combinations of storage volume and treatment rate necessary to achieve various levels of combined sewer overflows (CSO)...

Receiving Water Quality Bases for Evaluating CSO Control Alternatives
Waters receiving combined sewer overflow loadings in the vicinity of Bangor, Maine include the Kenduskeag Stream and the Penobscot River. The city's facilities planning effort was performed...

Application of the Storm Water Management Model in Evaluating Combined Sewer Overflows
This paper summarizes the application of the stormwater Management Model (SWW) to isolate the contributions of Combined Sewer Overflows (CSOs) to a receiving water. The CSO discharges...

The Kettering Community Demonstration Project Non-Point Pollution Control and Environmental Enhancement Program
With the advent of the U.S. EPA's municipal/ industrial NPDES and Coastal Zone Management programs the development of effective non-point pollution control programs has become the most...

Storm Water Management in the Greater New Orleans Area
Two parishes, Orleans and Jefferson, located within the Greater New Orleans area have been identified by EPA as urbanized areas requiring storm water permits. Storm water management has...

Utilization of Roadway Crossings as BMP's in Urban Areas
Roadway crossings of natural waterways in the urban setting can be used as Best Management Practices (BMP's) by retrofitting existing outlet structures. Pollutant removal is contingent...

Characterizing Urban Runoff Quantity and Quality
A method using simulated flows and measured pollutant concentrations was successfully applied to estimate pollutant loadings resulting from runoff during storm events from an urban area....

The Fairfield-Suisun Urban Runoff Management Program: The Approach of Small Communities to NPDES Permitting
The Fairfield-Suisun Sewer District is responsible for NPDES permit acquisition and maintenance of the storm drainage facilities of the Cities of Fairfield and Suisun City, California....

Seattle's Storm Water Application
Seattle is considered a large city under the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) storm water permit regulations and was required to submit a storm water permit application...

NPDES Municipal Storm Water Permit?A Utility Approach
Salt Lake City Department of Public Utilities (SLCPU) is the agency responsible for the operation of the drainage facilities in Salt Lake City. The drainage function is established as...

Development and Implementation of Stormwater Utilities in Texas Cities
As more Cities begin to understand and feel the financial impact of EPA's Non-Point Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) stormwater regulations on their budgets, many are turning to stormwater...

When the Well Runs Dry Paying for Storm Water
Much will be said during this conference about the need for various structural and nonstructural approaches toward mitigating problems related to storm water quality and quantity management....

Storm Water Utility Experience in Bellevue, Washington
Surface water management is seen as a flood protector by most, a savior of the environment by some and a subversion of property rights by others. As recently as 20 years ago, there were...

Case Study: Storm Water Analysis of Manatee Pocket in Martin County, Florida
storm water pollutant loading rates from a 6,000 acre urban watershed were analyzed for source determination of contamination to the receiving water. The receiving water body, Manatee...

Managing Stormwater with a Microcontroller Operated System
Concepts of managing urban stormwater runoff with a microcontroller operated flow control system are presented. The microcontroller system allows flexible and precise flow control from...

Interactive Decision Support for Hydrologic, Hydraulic, & Instream Flow Criteria
Most often, impacts on natural resources from alternative river discharges are not quantified. The personal computer (PC) can provide access to useful techniques for analyzing multiobjective...

Reservoir Management and Thermal Power Generation
Thermoelectric power stations on regulated rivers may cause violations in stream temperature standards if the dilution water from the upstream reservoir is not adequate. However, it is...

Effects of Reservoir Management on Establishment of Riparian and Wetland Vegetation in Northeastern Washington
The effects of various reservoir pool management scenarios on the establishment of riparian and wetland vegetation in arid regions of the Pacific Northwest are discussed. This study quantifies...

Urban Runoff and the Environment
This paper discusses complex water quality problems, including management of urban runoff. Mathematical modelling is used to asses runoff quantity and quality. Environmental impact...

Impact of Spatial and Temporal Data Limitations on the Modeling of Runoff Quantity and Quality
A small subbasin within an urbanized watershed (Reno, Nevada) was intensively monitored for runoff quantity and quality. The EPA Stormwater Management Model (SWMM) was applied to simulate...





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