A Post-Audit of the Potomac Eutrophication Model
An unusual, unexpected, and unpredicted event - the Potomac Algae Bloom of 1983 - prompted a post-audit examination of the primary tool being used for guiding the continuing development...

Application of Phosphorus Models to New Mexico Reservoirs
Many empirical, mass-balance phosphorus models have been developed and tested on northern, temperature lakes and previously published. Fourteen of those published models were tested on...

A Riverine Toxic Spill Model
In the event of a spill of toxic material reaching the main stem of the Potomac River, predictive information regarding its location and concentration would aid in the minimization of...

Groundwater Models in Choosing Water Treatment Methods
This paper presents an example of the use of groundwater models to identify the source of contamination and then design a treatment scheme. Included is a discussion of several different...

Allowable Metal Contaminant Levels in Landfilled Sludge
Disposal of municipal sludges in dedicated sanitary landfills can be environmentally acceptable. Contaminants within the sludge present the potential for public health risks but these...

Dried Sludge for Fertilizer
Dried sewage sludge has been used as a fertilizer material for several decades in the United States. While sludge drying and fertilizer production is normally more costly than other municipal...

Methodology of Determining Acceptable Levels of Heavy Metal Contamination in Municipal Sewage Sludge Applied to Cropland
The potential public health risks associated with the agricultural utilization of municipal sewage sludge dictate the development of environmentally acceptable criteria for the disposal...

Building Assessment Techniques for Indoor Air Quality Evaluations
Techniques for indoor air quality evaluations are presented and discussed. The techniques presented first focus on procedures to determine effective ventilation rates and pathways of air...

Indoor Air Quality Simulations with the Mass Balance Model
Recent studies relate energy conservation measures, specifically to reduction of the air exchange rate of residences, with potential adverse health effects due to human exposure to increased...

Predicting Areas of Groundwater Contamination
Logistic regression has been used to estimate the probability that a metropolitan area will contain one or more water supply sites with contamination by one or more of six frequently occurring...

Evaluation of the Effects of Temperature and Oxygen Concentration on Lignin Biodegradation
Color in natural waters has been attributed to humic substances which are believed to originate as by-products of lignin biodegradation. The purpose of our research was to examine the...

Prototype Laser Fluorescence/Fiber Optics Groundwater Contaminant Detector
Laboratory testing of a prototype field-portable instrument for in-situ laser fluorescence analysis of groundwater contaminants using fiber optics is discussed. Gasoline, gasoline components,...

Nitrate Analysis Utilizing Groundwater Modeling
Groundwater is the sole source of potable water for the Town of Barnstable, Massachusetts. It is, therefore, of paramount importance to maintain the overall quality within acceptable drinking...

Ground Water Quality Assessment Using Unsaturated and Saturated Zone Models
The modeling work described here provides an assessment of the migration and fate of the pesticide aldicarb in typical Florida citrus applications with emphasis on the potential for leaching...

A Case Study of Ground Water Quality Protection in California
Incidents of ground water contamination from improper disposal of industrial wastewater have been widespread throughout California. In late 1984 the State Water Resources Control Board...

Enhanced Mobility of Polynuclear Aromatic Compounds in Soil Systems
The objective of this study was to determine adsorption isotherms for polynuclear aromatic (PNA) compounds in methanol and a mixture of 50 percent methanol 50 percent water. The adsorption...

Modeling Aromatic Compound Transport in Groundwater
Research results are presented from an ongoing study directed at obtaining a better understanding of the factors affecting the binding characteristics of organic chemicals to ground water...

Groundwater Studies for Land Treatment Facility
A wastewater treatment facility currently under construction in Falmouth, Massachusetts, features a dual disposal method for land application of effluent. As the effluent disposal site...

Eliminating Pollution From Combined Sewer Overflows With Inlet Controls
The problem of contamination of surface waters with storm and sanitary discharges from combined sewer systems has been one of the most difficult problems confronting environmental engineers,...

Quali-Continuous Simulation of CSOs
Providence, Rhode Island, has a combined sewer system. During and following a precipitation event the capacity of the system may be exceeded and a mixture of wastewater and urban runoff...





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