Model to Maximize Releases for Supplemental Generation in a Pump-Storage System
An optimization model has been developed to maximize releases for supplemental power generation in a pump-storage system. The model was developed to aid in the scheduling of pump-storage...

Evolving Institutions for Water Transfer in the U.S.
A major source of constraint is state water allocation law, which defines rights for water use and development, including in some cases restrictions on place of use that limit transfer....

Scale Model Study Benefits Hydropower Project
The Jim Falls Project on the Chippewa River in Central Wisconsin deals with the replacement of an aged 11 MW run-of-river hydropower plant by a 48 MW peaking plant. A hydraulic model built...

Simplified Prediction of Storm Surge on an Open Coast Using a Microcomputer
Computer-generated wind fields have a flexibility that is not available with standard manual procedure; i. e. different illustrative concepts can be given a trial run at low cost. A spreadsheet...

Improving Streamflow and Water Quality Below Dams
Progress by the Tennessee Valley Authority on improving dissolved oxygen (DO) and flow conditions below hydropower projects is discussed. New methods of turbine venting have resulted in...

Heppner's User-Friendly Local Flood Warning System
The Heppner, Oregon, local flood warning system uses state-of-the-art technology with event-initiated data transmission, real-time monitoring, and automatic evaluation and notification....

NID Water Supply and Hydropower Operation Model
A basic requirement of CH2M HILL's Raw Water Master Plan for Nevada Irrigation District (NID) was to determine the dependable water supply available from the District's...

Development of the Nauvoo Point Plant Beds
In Pool 19, Mississippi River, the accumulation of sediment has resulted in soft-substrate benthic communities or macrophyte beds. Three areas in the downstream 12 miles of the 46. 3 mile...

Energy Dissipation in Small Canals
Two approaches are used for energy dissipation in channels. In the first, the water is allowed to drop, thereby converting potential energy to kinetic energy. This excess energy is then...

Obstacles to Establishing an Effective Water Resources Planning Process in Developing Countries
Four obstacles stand in the way of effective planning: lack of agreement among participants on practical operating principles; misuse of local money-making opportunities by foreign contractors...

Waterpower '85
The hydropower industry is making the most of new and existing hydropower facilities to increase production. The purpose of the Waterpower '85 Conference was to review what...

Instant Hydro Forecasting
Two new software programs developed by a San Francisco-based engineering firm determine hydropower potential, best site configuration, and best economics for hydroelectric projects. One...

Uncertainty and Conservatism in the Seismic Analysis of Nuclear Facilities
Traditionally, seismic analysis and design of nuclear power plant structures are performed using deterministic procedures. In order to address the issue of the likelihood of failure, probabilistic...

Urban Energy Systems for the 21st Century: Transition Paths
Alternative energy systems can be expected to be a significant part of advanced, 'intelligent,' infrastructure systems for cities of the 21st Century. The question...

Technology Assessment for Hydrogen from Renewable Energy
This paper is a preliminary report on an assessment of technologies for hydrogen production from renewable resources, and an investigation of the problems and issues involved in assimilating...

Hydrogen Energy for Residential/Commercial Sector
Hydrogen is being considered as a synthetic fuel or energy carrier for the post fossil fuel era. It has many properties to commend itself: It compliments the non-conventional primary energy...

New Generation Capacity
Currently, electric utilities in the U. S. have excess generation capacity. In addition, some new generation capacity is well under construction and is scheduled to come on-line soon,...

A Power Planning Model for Seismic Risk Zones
We present a model to configure a nuclear power system consisting of plants and the distribution network. In the model, we quantify seismic risk as comprehensively as possible in terms...

Developing Renewable and Alternative Energy Sources
The development of small scale, renewable or alternative (R/A) energy resources was originally perceived as environmentally more acceptable than large-scale conventional projects. The...

New Runways Take Off
The two mile long runway 9-27, now being constructed at Houston Intercontinental Airport, was built for about 30% ($7 million) less than if designed conventionally. Rather than concrete...





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