Satellites Monitor Eutrophication of Estuaries
In a study on eutrophication of estuaries, NOAA/AVHRR satellite data have been analyzed for the Changjiang River plume and the adjacent coastal areas. The different regimes identified...

Salinity Intrusion Predictions by Analytical Expressions
Salinity intrusion in estuaries has traditionally been predicted by use of physical models and more recently by numerical models. Analytic techniques have seen quite limited use because...

Salinity Intrusion in Louisiana Coastal Canals
Field data of the salinity intrusion in three Louisiana coastal canals were presented. In these canals, the mixing state can be categorized as, in general, well mixing at the Gulf side...

Modeling Cohesive Sediment-Pollutant Interaction in Surface Waters
Particulate and dissolved pollutant transport rates are predicted using a pollutant transport modeling system. The latter is a finite element model capable of simulating two-dimensional...

On the Definition of Fluid Mud
Fluid mud is a near-bed, high density cohesive sediment suspension layer which is a common cause of estuarial and nearshore sedimentation. It is noted that for a given sediment-fluid mixture,...

Lower Mississippi River Salt Intrusion Modeling
A laterally averaged numerical model called LAEM has been employed for both a 40- and 55-ft channel. In addition, LAEM has been applied with an increased height of the natural river crossing...

GLVHT Model Verification using Field Data
The Generalized, Longitudinal-Vertical Hydrodynamic and Transport model (GLVHT) as developed for the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers Waterways Experiment Station and described in Buchak...

Longitudinal Dispersion in Partially-Mixed Estuaries
The longitudinal dispersion in partially-mixed estuaries was formulated to consist of two terms. The first term accounts for the dispersion due to the vertical and transverse shear of...

A Semianalytical Method for Solving Unsteady Flow Equations
This paper proposes a method that uses conjunctively the Laplace transform for continuous time and finite element for spatial discretization to solve unsteady flow equations. Laplace transforms...

An Efficient, Accurate Technique for Navier-Stokes Solution
Solution of the Navier-Stokes equations for a Newtonian, incompressible fluid (such as water) requires both accuracy in the assuring conservation of mass and efficiency of convergence....

Comparing Two Estuarine Mass Transport Models
Two simplified mass transport models for partially mixed estuaries were evaluated using data from the Patuxent and James Estuaries. The first of the models was developed by Pritchard in...

Time Averaged Estuarine Mass Transport Equations
A methodology for deriving time averaged mass transport equations for estuaries having weakly nonlinear long wave dynamics is presented. A 2D in-plane advection-dispersion equation for...

Basin: A Simple Yet Many Faceted Model for Estuarial Impoundments
BASIN is a hydrodynamic and water quality model designed to provide a simplified analysis of flows and constituent concentrations in both tidal and non-tidal water bodies. BASIN is excellent...

Three-Dimensional Modeling of Estuarine Circulation and Contaminant Transport
The conjunctive use of optimal grid and the generalized 3-D hydrodynamic model allows accurate and efficient simulation of realistic estuarine circulation and transport problems. Sheng...

Alternative Methods for Representing Sinkholes in Three-Dimensional Ground Water Flow Models
Two methods of representing the sinkholes in central Florida were investigated with a three-dimensional finite element model recently developed by Camp Dresser & McKee Inc. Both...

Ground Water Flow Simulation in a Small Drainage Basin
This paper describes the development and use of a numerical simulation approach for predicting ground water flow in a small drainage basin in southern California. The purpose of the modeling...

Depleted Uranium Migration in Stream Bedload Environment
The objective of this paper is to present results of a comprehensive hydrologic transport study, designed to assess potential surface water contamination, resulting from the release of...

A Large-Scale Groundwater Transport and Dispersion Test: The First 1000 Days
TVA is conducting a large-scale field experiment to quantify the groundwater transport and dispersion of leachates from solid disposal facilities. This project is an integral part of the...

Contaminant Transport from an Array of Sources
The authors show analytic solutions to the problem of contaminant dispersion from an array of point sources in a waste disposal site. These solutions are for waste sources in a fluid-saturated...

The Use of Spread Sheets in Water Resources Planning
With the advent of 'spread sheets' in the microcomputer explosion, a tool is available for the first time to greatly simplify many engineering procedures. This...





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