Standard Contract Issue Resolution Process: An Overview and Status
The Department of Energy has identified 35 issues associated with the Standard Contract for Disposal of Spent Nuclear Fuel and/or High-Level Waste (10 CFR Part 961) which need to be resolved...

Department of Energy Delivery Commitment Schedules for Spent Nuclear Fuel
The Delivery Commitment Schedule (DCS) provides Purchasers with the opportunity to inform the Department of Energy (DOE) of their plans for utilizing their allocations of projected spent...

Impact of Purchaser Selections of SNF for Delivery
This paper assesses aspects of work performed to determine operations requirements for the Transportation System (TS) that will ship spent nuclear fuel (SNF) and high-level radioactive...

Post-Irradiation Fuel Assembly Dimensions for Transportation and Storage Cask Designs
When designing casks for the shipment of Spent Nuclear Fuel (SNF), one of the most important considerations is the external dimensions of the fuel assemblies to be shipped. Since SNF assemblies...

The DOE Waste Acceptance Process for the Vitrified High-Level Waste Form
Borosilicate glass from Defense HLW producers will be emplaced in the civilian radioactive waste repository. Vitrified HLW will be under production before the repository license application...

Status of Cask Procurement Strategy to Satisfy DOE/OCRWM Requirements
The Nuclear Waste Policy Act requires the development of a safe and efficient system to transport spent nuclear fuel to and within the Federal Waste Management System. This paper describes...

Status and Progress Monitored Retrievable Storage Project
The past year has been substantive changes within the Monitored Retrievable Storage (MRS) Project. This paper will present the status of the Project, review the progress made over the...

A Multi-Purpose Unit Concept to Integrate Storage, Transportation, and the Engineered Barrier System
The Multi-Purpose Unit (MPU) is a new concept for standardizing and integrating the waste management functions of spent fuel storage, transportation, and geologic disposal. The MPU concept...

Systems Implications of Repository Thermal Loading
A study was conducted to determine if implementation of a hot, cold or intermediate repository thermal loading strategy would have specific impacts on the overall Civilian Radioactive...

Spent Fuel Assembly Source Term Sensitivity Parameters: SAND92-2113C TTC-1225
Containment of cask contents by a transport cask in a function of the cask body, one or more closure lids, and various bolting, hardware, and seals associated with the cavity closure and...

Instrumentation Requirements for the ESF Thermomechanical Experiments
In situ thermomechanical experiments are planned as part of the Yucca Mountain Site Characterization Project that require instruments to measure stress and displacement at temperatures...

A Formal Communication Process: Pathway to Improved Policy Making
This paper will examine the efforts made and the steps taken by the U.S. Department of Energy's Office of Civilian Radioactive Waste Management (DOE/OCRWM) to establish and keep open lines...

Using an Engaging Approach to Products to Help Create Long-Term Credibility
A long-term, thorough and engaging public information products plan is essential for supporting interaction between Nevadans and the scientists and staff on the U.S. Department of Energy...

Yucca Mountain Student Tours: Response, Reactions, and Results
In March of 1991, the Yucca Mountain Site Characterization Project (YMP) began providing monthly tours for the general public to visit the Yucca Mountain site. The goal of these tours...

Earthquakes and Nuclear Waste: A Lesson in Media Relations
The Little Skull Mountain earthquake on June 29, 1992 marked the beginning of a challenging period for the U.S. Department of Energy's (DOE's) Yucca Mountain Site Characterization Project's...

Cultivating Public Involvement: Going Beyond the Nuclear Waste Policy Act
Congress, recognizing that States, Indian tribes, and local governments have a unique and vested interest in the siting of high-level radioactive waste facilities, gave these parties special...

A Public Involvement Planning Model for the Civilian Radioactive Waste Management Program
Substantive and early involvement of affected governments, interested parties, and the public in the decisionmaking process of the Office of Civilian Radioactive Waste Management (OCRWM)...

The Swedish Dialogue Project. An Attempt to Explore How Different Actors May Take Part in the Decision Process Related to Disposal of Radioactive Waste
The Swedish Nuclear Power Inspectorate (SKI) has initiated a project, DIALOGUE, which is exploring the possibility to define review procedures for license applications of nuclear waste...

Scenario Development for Safety Demonstration for Deep Geological Disposal in Switzerland
A scenario development procedure has been developed that is appropriate to the safety assessment approach chosen by Nagra and to the Swiss regulatory requirements. The procedure is seen...

Procurement Quality Engineering
The 'Procurement Quality Function' is an element of the Body of Knowledge of Quality Engineering, as defined by the American Society for Quality Control (ASQC). This paper describes the...





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