Demand Management Strategies for Providence Water Supply Board
The Providence water supply is the largest in Rhode Island, and the demands placed upon it continue to increase with the growth of the area as other systems turn to it as a preferred source...

Computer Support for Water Quality Management in San Diego Bay
At present, a variety of computer based systems and techniques, including mathematical models, data bases, information management schemes, statistical analysis packages, and graphical...

A Decision Support System for Water Quality Modeling
A prototype Decision Support System (DSS) has been developed to evaluate the environmental and economic consequences of alternative farming practices. This system was developed to help...

A GIS Based Synthetic Watershed Sediment Routing Model
For most watersheds, extensive water quality data are not available. Land use, topographic, edaphic and meteorological information is generally available; but without extensive water quality...

Estimating Urban and Suburban Sewage Flows with Assistance of GIS Technology
The Massachusetts Water Resource Authority (MWRA), an agency created by the Massachusetts legislature to provide wholesale water and sewer services to the metropolitan Boston areea, is...

Modeling Variable Width Buffer Zones with a Geographic Information System
It is possible to gain significant protection of water resources from nonpoint pollution with buffer strips, but frequently a single width strip is not appropriate. Geographic information...

Water Planning Using an Expert GIS
The development of an expert geographic information system (expert GIS) for long-term regional water resources planning is discussed. The system is comprised of an expert system to capture...

Evaluation of the Model Water Code from an Environmental Ethic Perspective
In order to allocate water in an equitable and orderly process, laws have been constructed. The two basic methods of allocation are 1) a market system and 2) a political system. In a market...

What Should the ASCE Model Water Code Committee Do?
The ASCE, Water Planning and Management Division, Water Laws Committee effort to draft a model water code is motivated by the recognition of change and is intended to offer assistance...

Extended Experience with a Short-Term Hydropower Scheduling Model in New England
The New England Power Exchange (NEPEX) is responsible for the central dispatch of power throughout New England. To assure the maximum benefits of power pooling, the electric facilities...

Planning and Operation of a Multi-Reservoir Water Distribution System
A water supply distribution system planning model (DSPM) is developed using a directed graph algorithm as its pre- and post-processors and a linear programming (LP) procedure as an `intelligent'...

Water Availability and Water Demand Study for the Citanduy River Basin, West and Central Java, Indonesia
This paper will discuss the water availability and water demands in the Citanduy River Basin located in West and Central Java, Indonesia. A program of development of water and other natural...

Alternative Methods of Drainage Management in San Joaquin Valley, California
The subsurface drainage and drainage-related problems in the San Joaquin Valley cost millions of dollars to the State and local economy every year. A number of actions have been proposed...

Feasibility of Water Supply for City of Houston Subsidence Zones Five and Six
The purpose of this paper is to evaluate the feasibility of providing surface water to the Harris Galveston Coastal Subsidence District (HGCSD) Zones Five and Six (located in North Houston...

Information Theory and Multi-Objective Evaluation
The evaluation of alternatives with scarce knowledge is a common decision-making situation. This situation contrasts with decision-making in the presence of abundant knowledge, which is...

Dry Weather Field Screening as an Indicator for Urban Drainage System Rehabilitation
In November 1990, EPA published final rules governing National Pollution Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Permit Application Regulations for stormwater discharges. The rules affect...

Design and Maintenance of Rural Water Supply Systems for Improved Performance
During the period 1980-1990 the United Nations sponsored a comprehensive effort to bring potable water supplies throughout the world. For many urban and rural areas in developing countries...

Coupled Water-Wastewater Management Issues
The concept of coupled alternatives is an emerging engineering issue in master planning for water resources management. Coupled alternatives involve the concurrent evaluation of water...

On-Line Optimal Control of Urban Water Supply
There has been some interest in optimizing water delivery systems, but as yet, no one has developed an on-line optimal control algorithm. This paper explains the approach Memphis State...

Prescriptive Model for Missouri River Reservoir-operation Analysis
The six main-stem reservoirs of the Missouri river system are operated by the Corps of Engineers for flood control, navigation, irrigation, power, water supply, water quality control,...





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