Highway Accident Collision Diagrams on a Microcomputer
Collision diagrams of highway accidents are schematic exhibits that illustrate the location of each accident with respect to the highway geometric features. The types of accidents; such...

KSLAD: A Traffic Accident Data Analysis Program
Originally developed to run within the dBASE III (tm) operating environment, Kansas Local Accidents Database (KSLAD) has since been upgraded to operate under dBASE III Plus (tm). Work...

Microcomputers in Traffic Operations and Safety: Implementation Lessons for Small Agencies
This study develops and demonstrates microcomputer software for highway safety and traffic operations which meets the needs of small transportation and public works agencies. The study...

Evaluation and Testing of Travel Demand Software
Transportation planners are frequently confronted with issues and concerns related to varying levels of analysis detail. Although microcomputer packages exist to analyze regional, corridor...

Transportation Network Building Using a CAD Interface
This paper illustrates how Barton-Aschman Associates, Inc, has made use of AutoCAD(TRADEMARK) on the microcomputer to digitize an existing highway network and to create a new network from...

NEDS?Network Editing and Display for TRANPLAN
This paper explores some of the current and possible future applications of interactive graphics packages to the tasks of analyzing and planning transportation systems. The source of the...

Applications of the General Network Editor
The General Network Editor is a graphical, data base manager for computer-aided design of transportation networks. Its principal use is for entering network data into the computer: drawing...

Transportation Simulation Model Selection Criteria
This paper presents a checklist of questions concerning facets of transportation modeling software packages. This is intended to help the potential software purchaser in his or her search....

County-Level Planning Model in Atlanta Region
Gwinnett County is working with the Atlanta Regional Commission (ARC) and Barton-Ashman Associates to download the ARC trip tables for use in a microcomputer transportation planning model...

A Travel Demand Modeling System for Istanbul
This paper describes the development and application of a microcomputer-based travel demand modeling system as part of an 18-month planning and feasibility study for the Istanbul Metro...

Computerization of Transit Performance Evaluatio
The Virginia Transit Performance Evaluation Package (VATPEP) has reduced the state's effort in processing information for its annual report on public transportation from over...

Use of the DEB Model in MARTA's Service Planning
The Metropolitan Atlanta Rapid Transit Authority (MARTA) is in the process of expanding bus and rail services. The expansion program requires the preparation of annual and five year system...

Running Rucus II on a Microcomputer
Since the preliminary version of the RUCUS II (Run Cutting and Scheduling System) was released by UMTA in 1982, the system has achieved considerable acceptance by transit properties. These...

Distributed Graphical Transit Scheduling System
The Graphical Scheduler is the latest of software products developed by SAGE for the transit industry. It was specifically designed to run on a micro-computer taking advantage of the latest...

Using Microcomputers for Maintenance Management in a Small Transit Agency
The Wisconsin Department of Transportation, (WISDOT) Bureau of Transit asked a small transit agency to join an UMTA funded project that would perform a needs assessment, locate or develop...

Development of a Statewide System for Routing and Scheduling School Buses
The State of North Carolina is in the first year of installing a Transportation Information Management System (TIMS). This paper describes the events over the past six years which have...

Seven Myths of Managing Microcomputers
Microcomputer usage in the transportation community has grown so rapidly in recent years that it seems sometimes that we are being overwhelmed, and maybe oversold, by the technology. As...

Computers for the Transit Dispatch Office
In 1985 the Transportation Research Board sponsored a report by MacDorman and Associated titled 'Extraboard Management: Procedures and Tools'. The report targeted...

Cost-Effective Sizing of the Transit Extraboard
In 1983, the Urban Mass Transportation Administration (UMTA) provided funds to develop manual procedures known as the User's Guide to Optimizing the Transit Operator Work...

Traffic and Transport Data Management by Micro-Computer
Dealing with the multiple needs of an adequate traffic and urban transport information system is becoming a manageable task with the software and hardware presently available in micro-computing....





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