Devil Canyon Powerplant Enlargement
This paper presents the design and construction aspects of the enlargement of the existing Devil Canyon Powerplant from 120 MW to 280 MW. Subjects covered include site geology, powerhouse...
Manicouagan 5?Additional Capacity Project
This paper, after presenting briefly the evolution of the peak demand characteristics of the Hydro-Quebec grid and what caused it, describes how newly installed capacity and equipment...
Harnessing the Allegheny: Four Low-Head Projects
The navigable portion of the river, extending northeast of Pittsburgh approximately sixty miles, contains eight lock and dam systems under the jurisdiction of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers...
Siphon Penstock Installations at Hydroelectric Projects: A Survey of Design, Construction and Operating Experience
There can be advantages to using siphon penstocks at small hydro projects, particularly those constructed at existing dams. One problem, however, is a lack of documentation of siphon penstock...
Crescent and Vischer Ferry Hydroelectric Redevelopment Projects
The owners of aging small hydro plants face a myriad of complex technical, economic, and regulatory challenges as they seek to reliance and prepare their projects for continued operation...
Paradise River, a Challenging Small Hydro Development
The frequent assumption that small hydro developments are simple is not always borne out in practice. A case in point is the Paradise River Development in Newfoundland, Canada. This paper...
A Non-Federal Development at a Federal Project
The Colebrook River Lake project is a Corps of Engineers multipurpose reservoir located in northwestern Connecticut. The hydro project, designed and built by the Catalyst Energy Corporation...
Harnessing the Snake: A Construction Viewpoint
The Gem State Hydroelectric Project, five miles south of Idaho Falls, Idaho on the Snake River, consists of a 900-foot-long, 40-foot-high dam; approximately four miles of earthend dikes;...
Pumping System Permits Diversion of Water River Dam
For project construction at an existing Corps of Engineers' dam in New Mexico, where modifications to the existing outlet works were performed, a barge-mounted pumping system...
Buffalo Bill Dam Modifications?Modification of an Existing Bureau of Reclamation Facility to Increase Power Generation
This paper describes a joint venture between the United States Bureau of Reclamation and the State of Wyoming to increase the storage capacity and power generation capacity of Buffalo...
Analyses of the Lower San Fernando Dam Failure
The main methods employed for the back analysis of the behaviour of the Lower San Fernando Dam during the 1971 earthquake are described. The requirements for a comprehensive analysis are...
Analysis of Concrete Gravity Dams Using Microcomputers
Monenco Consultants Limited has developed a microcomputer program entitled 'DS2' for the stability analysis of concrete gravity dams. This paper discusses this...
Transient Analysis of the Finchaa Hydroelectric Project
An iterative computer simulation procedure called LIQT (Liquid Transient), which performs simulations of hydraulic transients in closed conduit hydro-power systems, is used to estimate...
Hydropower Analysis Using Electronic Spreadsheets
A sequential streamflow routing procedure is recommended to overcome the inadequacy of the conventional duration curve analysis, especially in cases involving multiple intakes for capturing...
FERC Licensing: The Water Resources Engineers Role
As a result of the Electric Consumers Protection Act (ECPA) of 1986, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) is obligated to give equal consideration to non power uses of hydroelectric...
Modeling Sedimentation Problems at Hydro Developments
Sedimentation embodies the processes of erosion, transportation and deposition of sediments. At hydro developments, sedimentation can create problems. Computer sedimentation models (CSM's)...
Analysis of Unsteady Flows in Irrigation Canals Due to Load Rejection in Hydroelectric Project
An add-on hydroelectric project has been proposed for the Owyhee Tunnel No. 1, a component of the Owyhee Irrigation Project constructed in the 1930's by the U.S. Bureau of...
Knowledge-Based Expert System for the Real-Time Operation of Reservoir Systems
An efficient way to avoid the loss of valuable knowledge is to develop an expert system which incorporates hydrologic, hydraulic, system analysis, environmental, economical knowledge based...
Implementation of a General Purpose Site Monitoring Network
STS Hydropower owns and operates several hydroelectric plants distributed throughout the United States. These plants, equipped with intelligent controllers, have been remotely monitored...
Recent Developments in Computer Based Control Systems for Hydro Power Control
In recent years microcomputer technology has come to dominate electric control systems. Modern control equipment provides many convenient means for ensuring easy, precise and safe operation...
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