Irrigating Lettuce with Buried Drip, Surface Drip, and Furrow Irrigation Systems: Overall Performance
Groundwater nitrate contamination is a major concern in the Salinas Valley of California. The source of much of the nitrate appears to be vegetable production in the valley. A field-scale...

Selenium in Soil, Water, Sediment, and Biota of the Lower Sun River Area, West-Central Montana
A U.S. Department of the Interior study started in 1990 examined the source, movement, fate, and possible biological effects of selenium associated with irrigation drainage from the Sun...

Distribution and Mobilization of Dissolved Selenium in Ground Water of the Irrigated Grand and Uncompahgre Valleys, Western Colorado
Distribution of dissolved selenium in ground water of the irrigated Grand and Uncompahgre Valleys is affected by the aqueous geochemical environment of the shallow ground-water system...

Planning for Remediation of Irrigation-Induced Water Quality Problems in the Middle Green River Basin, Utah
Reconnaissance investigations and detailed studies between 1986-1990 under the National Irrigation Water Quality Program of the Department of the Interior identified and quantified elevated...

The AGWATER computer program is an interactive learning, teaching, and pre-season evaluation tool regarding agricultural irrigation. It combines the concepts of irrigation scheduling,...

An Irrigation Allocation Planning Model
An irrigation allocation model using multiperiod linear programming was developed to recommend canal water allocation among different irrigated fields to maximize net annual benefits for...

Development of a Hydrological Database for PROSIM?A Water Rights-Based Operational Simulation Model of the Provo River
The development of a hydrological database for a computer model of the hydrology, water rights, and operations of the Provo and Weber rivers is described. The model uses all pertinent...

AZSCHED?Software for Real-time Irrigation Scheduling
A user-friendly computer based scheduling program was developed to minimize the amount of data which needs to be input by the user by utilizing a network of twenty automated weather stations...

Atmospheric Radiation Balance Over Alfalfa
An experiment was carried out in an alfalfa field in Logan, Utah, U.S.A., during 8-12 September 1992, to evaluate methods and expected accuracy of continuous radiation balance component...

Comparing Bowen Ratio-Energy Balance Systems for Measuring ET
Two Bowen ratio-energy balance (BREB) systems for measuring evapotranspiration (ET) under wet and dry conditions were compared. The study sites were an irrigated grass sod near Kimberly,...

Siting Agricultural Weather Stations
Studies were conducted in Arizona and Washington to investigate how the surrounding fetch affects data collected by agricultural weather stations (AWS). AWS surrounded by extensive areas...

The Utah Climate Center Weather Data Network
The Utah Climate Center weather data network includes 52 sophisticated, automated weather stations. Weather parameters are monitored in real-time and hourly summarized data are gathered,...

Nongrowing Season ET from Irrigated Fields
The evaporative loss of water from agricultural fields during the nongrowing season is an important component of the annual water balance of irrigated lands. This study was conducted to...

Updating Utah's Crop Water Use Estimates
Crop water use was estimated at National Weather Service stations throughout Utah for the 1961-1990 normal period. Daily weather data (air temperature, solar radiation, humidity, wind...

Revision of Oregon Crop Water Use and Irrigation Requirements
A project to revise the crop water use estimates and irrigation requirements for the state at Oregon is described. The FAO modified Blaney-Criddle method was applied in this project since...

Streamflow Depletions and Water Transfers in Idaho
In the state of Idaho, streamflow depletions are quantified utilizing parameters of rate of flow, total volume diverted, and volume consumptively used. This paper summarizes the engineering...

Streamflow Depletions for Water Transfers in Utah
All inter- or intra-state transfers of Utah water rights must be accomplished by application and receive the approval of the Utah State Engineer. This paper summarizes the engineering...

Streamflow Depletions Considered in Water Transfers
In the State of Colorado, streamflow depletions are defined as that amount of water diverted to beneficial use minus return flows to the stream system. This paper summarizes the engineering...

Streamflow Depletions Resulting from Ground Water Transfers
An application to move the point of diversion of a quasi-municipal ground water right from about 4.8 km to a second well about 0.3 km from a river channel was made in the Reno/Sparks,...

Hydrological Impacts of a California Water Transfer
Conaway Ranch, located in Yolo County, California, transferred water to the California Emergency Drought Water Bank (Water Bank) in 1991 and 1992. Water for these transfers was generated...





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