Hydraulic Investigation of the Cache River Basin
To develop a comprehensive solution to the problems that exist in the basin, the Illinois State Water Survey has initiated a hydraulic study. This ongoing research includes collection...

Ackers-White Equation: Transportation by Size Fractions
The Ackers-White procedure for sediment transport has been modified to permit calculation by size fractions. The original logic has been retained, but A values for incipient motion have...

Steady State Fluid Transport Model for Plants
Knowledge of water potentials throughout the xylem and phloem elements as well as in individual cells is fundamental for understanding effects of water and temperature stress on transport...

Design Rainfall for Pennsylvania
The most commonly used source of rainfall estimates is the U. S. Weather Bureau Technical Paper 40. A more detailed study of Pennsylvania storms was conducted in 1970 under the sponsorship...

The Northwest Watershed Research Center, 1959-86
Hydrologic research has been conducted on the Reynolds Creek Experimental Watershed by the Agricultural Research Service for nearly 27 years. Some noteworthy instrumentation, developed...

Transport Model for Aquifer Reclamation Management
A contaminant transport model which is specifically designed for management applications is developed. A key feature is the transient velocity field needed in the solution of the advection-dispersion...

Modeling Coal Pile Leachate - A Case Study
Ground water transport of coal leachate from an existing unlined coal storage pile was modeled using the USGS 'Computer Model of Two-Dimensional Solute Transport and Dispersion...

Legal Misuse of Urban Hydrology Concepts and Regulations for Rural Areas
This paper presents recent observations of the misuse of technical definition, hydrologic concepts, sedimentation engineering principles, and flood control regulations by the legal profession...

Dynamic Fracture Toughness of Rail Steels
As new premium alloy rail steels exhibit increased wear resistance and as track lubrication is used, the failure mode for rails is shifting from wear to fatigue. Elastodynamic finite element...

Top Projects of 1987
Five notable entries in the 1987 Outstanding Civil Engineering Achievement competition are summarized. The Keehi Interchange of the H-1 Freeway in Honolulu is only 1.9 miles long, but...

Comparison of TRC 212 and SR 209 LOS Calculations
With the release in 1985 of Transportation Research Board (TRB) Special Report (SR) 209, numerous traffic engineering agencies began the transition to new methods of calculating capacity...

Intelligent User Interface for Network Signal Optimization Programs
This paper presents the design philosophy and program intelligence used in EZ-TRANSYT and EZ-SIGOP, powerful multi-window input data managers for TRANSYT-7F and SIGOP-III, respectively....

SIDRA?An Australian Program for Signalised Intersection Analysis
As more complicated signal phasing systems have been implemented in practice, the analysis methods have moved from a phase-control philosophy applied to approach roads to a group-control...

Estimating Future Traffic Volumes at the Intersection Level
This paper uses the experience gained on a number of regional and sub-area studies in the northeast to illustrate how measured and forecast traffic information can be combined to predict...

Activity Center Development Impact Analysis
A flexible microcomputer spreadsheet analysis method is described for analyzing area-wide and localized impacts of new development in urban or suburban activity centers. The analysis approach...

GTRAF: The Netsim Graphics System
This paper describes the development of an interactive computer graphics (ICG) system, named GTRAF, which will provide users with a new and highly efficient methodology for analyzing results...

A Decision Support System for Freeway Corridor Analysis
When the scope of a particular corridor study dictates the review and analysis of a relatively large number of road segments along major transportation corridors, the integration of roadway...

Traffic Engineering Data Collection Using Custom Equipment and Microcomputer System Equipment and Procedures
This paper presents experience with various traffic engineering data collection equipment and devices. It presents criteria for the development of a general purpose data collection system....

ROADTEST?A Microscopic Traffic and Transit Simulator
A new computerized microscopic traffic simulation model ROADTEST is described. The model a general purpose one, permits simulation of any vehicles including trains and fixed route transit...

ITEEMS: Reducing Mainframe Systems to Micro-scale
The Integrated Traffic Engineering and Enforcement Monitoring System (ITEEMS) is a microcomputer-based system which has an on-line display and analysis of accident records by street intersection,...





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