Hotel-Casino Trip Generation Analysis Using GIS
Trip rates and models for developments such as resorts and major hotels are commonly based on a single explanatory factor or an activity unit such as floor area, number of employees, number...

The Isolated Signalized Intersection as a Mitigation on a High-Speed Highway
A concentrated 'leap-frog' type development is commonly proposed as it offers the opportunity to organize an extensive living-recreation orientated site with low to modest land costs....

Access Management ? Myth or Reality
The concept of access management has emerged over the past decade as a means of preserving the functional integrity of the arterial road system while simultaneously providing access to...

Commuter Infiltration, The Unaddressed Issue
Traffic Impact Reports usually assign project-related traffic only to the adjacent collector and arterial highways. Usually the reports do not attempt to address possible commuter infiltration...

Access Control to Projects Via Raised Islands
When addressing driveway maneuvers at a new development, alleged ailments Must be quantified before drafting a cure. If a problem is anticipated, alternative solutions should be investigated,...

Site Impact Analysis Using the Tranplan Computer Model
As the cost of infrastructure improvements continue to spiral upward local and state governments are finding it more difficult to provide for increases in traffic volumes due to growth...

Traffic Impact Study for a Regional Shopping Center at a Basque City. A European View
A 45,000 m2 GLA Regional Shopping Center has been designed in close proximity to a thruway diamond interchange. Peak-hour generation was estimated and detailed analyses were performed...

Network Model Analysis of Traffic Patterns Resulting from a Proposed Regional Mall
A comparison was made between two methods of traffic impact analysis of a proposed regional shopping mall in Keene, New Hampshire. One study was prepared for the developer using conventional...

Arizona's Uniform Traffic Impact Procedures
This paper discusses the development of policies and detailed uniform guidelines for traffic impact analysis of proposed developments along Arizona State highways. The paper addresses:...

Traffic Impact Analysis Standardization?The Orange County, California Experience
Traffic Impact Analysis (TIA) procedures can vary significantly from one agency to another. In Orange County, many cities and the county have adopted their own specialized techniques and...

Palm Beach County Traffic Impact Analysis?A Prototype
A Traffic Impact Analysis (TIA) is a tool that allows government and private developers to anticipate traffic needs at the driveways of a proposed development, as well as on roadways in...

Traffic Impact Studies?Current Practices from Cities' Perspective
The results of a nationwide survey conducted among a sample of city traffic engineers are described. Information and opinions about current practices in traffic impact studies were obtained....

Uniform Traffic Impact Assessment Studies?A Case History of Riverside County, California
A publication was issued by the Transportation Department of Riverside County, California, in December of 1989 which required all traffic impact studies performed for new development to...

Using Traffic Network Models to Assess Site Impact Traffic
This paper covers experience gained in using traffic network models as a site traffic analysis tool, including problems encountered in developing an appropriate zone system and coded highway...

Using Computer Models in Site Impact Assessment
Use of comprehensive large area traffic models (citywide or regional) in site traffic impact assessment can greatly aid certain elements of the analysis, but may be inappropriate for other...

Computerized Transportation Planning Models for Site Impact Analysis: Precision or Complexity?
Computer based travel forecasting models are now being widely used in the analysis of the traffic impacts of proposed developments. They are commonly used to identify improvements needed...

Shouldn't it be Transportation Impact Assessment?
A Traffic Impact Assessment is a single mode analytical tool that is used to evaluate new development proposals. Its use continues at a time when the transportation community is being...

Major Public Transportation Investments as Development Projects: Old Colony Railroad
In 1988, the Massachusetts Executive Office of Transportation and construction (EOTC) developed a set of guidelines for traffic studies in conjunction with the state's environmental review...

Urban Transportation Management?Jersey City, New Jersey
This paper will describe the multi-year process undertaken to implement physical roadway improvements and transportation management policies in a constrained urban environment. Specifically...

Traffic Impact Studies for Marriott Corporation International Headquarters
This paper describes the steps taken in developing innovative traffic-related solutions to obtain approval for the Marriott Corporation International Headquarters site, which is planned...





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