Boundary Integral Methods for Unsaturated Flow
A boundary integral equation method (BIEM) is described for numerical analysis of quasilinear steady unsaturated flow in homogeneous material. The applicability of the exponential model...

Effect of a Low-Permeability Layer on Calculated Gas Flow at Yucca Mountain
Yucca Mountain is being studied to determine its suitability as a location for a high-level nuclear waste repository. The mountain is a steep-sided linear ridge which is underlain by a...

The Integrated Performance Assessment in SKI Project-90
The SKI Project-90 is a performance assessment of a hypothetical repository system with KBS-3 features in crystalline rock. A large part of the effort has been to identify and characterize...

Comparison of Elastic and Inelastic Analysis and Test Results for the Defense High Level Waste Shipping Cask
In the early 1980's, the U.S. Department of Energy/Defense Programs (DOE/DP) initiated a project to develop a safe and efficient transportation system for defense high level...

Modelling of Excavation, Thermal Loading and Bentonite Swelling Pressure for a Waste Repository
For the performance assessment of a future nuclear waste repository, the excavation of the tunnel and deposition hole, thermal loading from waste heat release and the swelling pressure...

Scenario Evolution: Interaction Between Event Tree Construction and Numerical Analyses
Construction of well-posed scenarios for the range of conditions possible at any proposed repository site is a critical first step to assessing total system performance. Event tree construction...

A Formalism to Generate Probability Distributions for Performance-Assessment Modeling
A formalism is presented for generating probability distributions of parameters used in performance-assessment modeling. The formalism is used when data are either sparse or nonexistent....

Three-Dimensional Thermal Analysis for Temperature Distribution in Geological Formation
A three-dimensional conduction heat transfer program has been developed for use on microcomputer for thermal analysis of a conductive medium subject to, finite length heat sources. The...

System Analysis Dual-Purpose Repository New Results of Temperature Calculations
As design concept for a high-level waste (HLW) final repository the emplacement of reprocessing wastes and spent fuel elements of different types in a common repository is being studied...

Interim Storage of Solidified High Level Wastes
Indian approach to the problem of interim storage of vitrified high level wastes, indicating design philosophy adopted for air cooled vault at Tarapur has been described. Important design...

Interim Waste Storage for the Integral Fast Reactor Fuel Cycle Demonstration
An interim storage system design and operating strategy were developed for implementation in the Integral Fast Reactor Fuel Cycle Demonstration. Waste characteristics and thermal power...

Uncertainty Analysis of Preclosure Accident Doses for the Yucca Mountain Repository
This study presents a generic methodology that can be used to evaluate the uncertainty in the calculated accidental offsite doses at the Yucca Mountain repository during the preclosure...

A Decision Support System for Performance-Based Site Characterization
The complex and dynamic requirements of site characterization present a major management challenge. ParaTrac, a regulatory and technical information system, is described as a valuable...

Knowledge Representation for Bridge Design
An implementation of a frame-based knowledge representation language (KRL) for development of expert system applications in highway bridge design is presented. The frame-based KRL is used...

Visualizing the Performance of Structural Optimization Processes
Graphical constructions are discussed that enable the performance of iterative structural optimization processes to be evaluated visually. The first, a basins of attraction construction,...

Computer-Based Interactive Design for Prestressed Concrete Structures
Prestressed concrete structures can provide a highly desirable solution for many structural applications because the designer gains control over several additional parameters as compared...

A PC-CAD System for Prefabricated Steel Bridges
A microcomputer-aided analysis and design system for prefabricated steel bridges is presented in this paper. The system was customized to perform all the required engineering to analyze,...

Computerized Bridge Monitoring System
Research at the University of Connecticut has generated a full scale vibrational monitoring system for installation on a Connecticut bridge. The monitoring system consists of a field computer...

Integrated Structural Engineering Solution for Design, Drafting and Analysis
Computervision Corporation is a leading CAD/CAM/CAE vendor that offers a complete integrated structural solution to customers. This structural solution allows customers to manage intricate...

Computer-Aided Structural Analysis
Finite Element Methods and other numerical techniques are often taught nowadays in the undergraduate Structural Analysis courses. Commercial, structural computer programs are becoming...





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