Investigating and Treating Chromium in Ground Water at a Wood Treater in California
A wood treating facility, operating for more than five years without required permits, contaminated soil and ground water on and offsite. The company moved slowly in response to enforcement...

Remedial Action Alternatives for Groundwater Contamination
Preliminary remedial action alternatives are formulated for a site contaminated by heavy metals. The results of soils and hydrogeologic investigations are summarized and three corrective...

Liquid Waste Pollution from a Sugar Cane Industry
The water pollution survey as performed in this study, indicates that all liquid wastes from the mill are segregated. The chemical waste sewerage systems supposedly conveys these wastes...

Sediment Penetration in Lakes as a Result of Dredged Material Disposal and River Sediment Loads
Pollutant transport within the coastal boundary layer is highly sensitive to the vertical current structure and to the magnitude of the vertical current, especially during upwelling and...

Design and Construction of TCE/PCE Removal Facilities
This paper presents a review of the design and construction of a facility in Arcadia, California, to remove trichloroethylene (TCE) and tetrachlorethylene (PCE) from groundwater. The City...

Groundwater Quality Monitoring in the New York Metropolitan Area: Statistical Alternatives
The need for development of groundwater monitoring strategies for the New York metropolitan area with emphasis on statistical analysis has been investigated in this study. Statistical...

Uncertainties in Groundwater Transport Modeling
Using synthetic data from a hypothetical aquifer, the effects of data availability and data uncertainty were studied by the combined use of a parameter identification (PI) algorithm and...

Estimation and Inference in the Inverse Problem
The estimation of groundwater flow and mass transport parameters is approached via maximum likelihood. Confidence intervals and hypothesis tests as well as the asymptotic properties of...

Mixed Solute Interactions in Groundwater Systems
Research results are presented from a study examining the competitive sorption effects of two organic chemicals, para-dichlorobenzene and 2,4-dichlorophenol, to solids from the Cohansey...

Dredged Material Disposal in the Lower Great Lakes
The Buffalo District Corps of Engineers is responsible for dredging the harbors in Lakes Erie and Ontario. Approximately 2,000,000 cubic yards (1,529,000 cubic meters) of material are...

Improving Streamflow and Water Quality Below Dams
Progress by the Tennessee Valley Authority on improving dissolved oxygen (DO) and flow conditions below hydropower projects is discussed. New methods of turbine venting have resulted in...

Erosion and Sedimentation Processes in Irrigation
Soil erosion occurs when fluid in motion detaches and transports soil particles. Sedimentation occurs when the fluid transport capacity decreases. Both the hydraulic forces of moving water...

Coupling of Hydrodynamic and Water Quality Models
Long term, multi-dimensional water quality modeling in estuaries and coastal embayments using a directly linked hydrodynamic and water quality model can be prohibitively expensive. In...

The Effect of Storms on Pollution Loading Estimates
A rather extensive field and modeling program is underway in the Sandusky Bay/Nearshore region of Lake Erie and the objective of this paper is to summarize the preliminary results of a...

Lagrangian-Eulerian Approach to Modeling Contaminants
A Lagrangian-Eulerian modeling approach predicts potential contaminant distributions resulting from the disposal of sewage sludge at the Deepwater Municipal Disposal Site off the northeast...

Facilities Planning in the Caribbean a Case Study
Culebra has significant problems of water scarcity and poor wastewater treatment. In 1984-1985, a formal Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) was prepared for improved wastewater treatment...

Effects of Irrigated Agriculture on Groundwater Quality in the Corn Belt and Lake States
Irrigation of croplands has the potential to increase the rates at which water soluble substances are leached from soil into underlying aquifers. This paper evaluates the impact of irrigated...

Ground Water Pollution Potential from Irrigation?Eastern United States
The purpose of this paper is to present an evaluation method for determining the influence irrigation of agricultural land has on regional ground water quality. It integrates data on irrigation...

Impact of Irrigation on Groundwater Quality in Humid Areas
The GLEAMS Model (Groundwater Loading Effects of Agricultural Management Systems) was applied to estimate the effects of soil, planting date, irrigation level, and pesticide characteristics...

Interbasin Issues Related to Groundwater Management
This paper evaluates several options for settling disputes over sharing water and concludes in favor of well-conceived state compacts. More than other methods, such compacts offer continual...





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