Combined Allocation and Operation Model
Delft Hydraulics has developed a model package for the water management of irrigation schemes. The model package runs on a Personal Computer and is to be used by local water managers....

Ecuador?The Lower Guayas Flood Control and Drainage Project?A Case Study
The Government of Ecuador (GOE) invited the World Bank in 1975 for a general review of the rural development in the country. One of the main findings of a Bank mission was the importance...

Rehabilitating Irrigation Systems from the 20th Century for the 21st Century
Irrigation projects were begun in the southwestern United States in the late 1800's. These projects were increased and modified during the 1900's and have become the lifeblood of reservations...

Rehabilitating Irrigation Systems with USDA Water Quality Programs
Recently, the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) targeted several irrigated areas with chemically-impaired water bodies for accelerated technical and financial assistance to...

Planning for Water Conservation Through Irrigation System Modernization and Rehabilitation
A landmark agreement became effective in December 1989 between the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California and Imperial Irrigation District which provides for the implementation...

Broad-Crested Weir Application on 15,000-Acre Farm
Growers in California have been subjected to increasing pressure to account for water used on the farm due to limited water supplies and increasing energy costs. Water measurement capability...

Ground-water Policy-making Support: USEM Optimization Modeling Plus GIS and Graphics
A support tool for ground-water management decision making involves integration of a multiobjective optimization model, GIS and graphics software. Two results are improved consideration...

Irrigation and Drainage System As-Built Map Preparation Using Satellite Digital Imagery and a GIS
Multispectral remote sensing from satellite platforms has led to the development of numerous applications which use digital imagery for the classification and mapping of natural resources...

Role of Land Information System in Operation and Maintenance of Irrigation Systems Bureau of Reclamation
The Bureau of Reclamation manages more than 8 million acres of land in the 17 Western States and is required to periodically report on the status of the lands under its jurisdiction. A...

Crop Classification and Area Estimation Using Airborne Multispectral Video/Radiometer Remote Sensing
The U.S. Agricultural Stabilization and Conservation Service (ASCS) in Logan, Utah, combines color slide 35 mm aerial photography with color video imagery to perform routine (yearly) crop...

Operation of the Tennessee Valley Authority Water Control System Under Extreme Drought Conditions
The Tennessee Valley region recently suffered through the most severe drought of record. As increasing demands were placed on the reservoir system, operating priorities were modified to...

Recycling Wastewater by Drip Irrigation
Hawaii's sugar factories produce about 380 million liters of wastewater per day from sugarcane washing, condensation, and cooling operations. Since 1972, wastewater has been used to irrigate...

Expert System for Agricultural and Water Quality Management
Agricultural activities occur in an open environment where uncontrollable climatic events influence both agricultural productivity and water quality. A decision support system is described...

Design of Irrigation Distribution System
This paper briefly discusses the Bureau of Reclamation's process of developing the rehabilitation of the Grand Valley Unit in Colorado. Sections are included on accessing needs of the...

Case Studies of Semi-Closed Pipeline Systems for Flexible Deliveries
The semi-closed pipeline system using the best aspects of the open and the closed pipeline systems, has many applications. It is the best adapted system for use with the variable flow...

Stochastic Simulation and Optimization of Irrigation Canal Network Flows
This paper investigates the effects of parametric and objective uncertainty on simulation and optimal hydraulic design of irrigation canal networks. A model of spatially-varied flow in...

Linking GIS with Hydrologic Modeling
A GIS-based methodology for conducting rapid assessments of pesticide and nutrient transport within agricultural watersheds was recently developed. This methodology is based upon the use...

Engineering Answers to Groundwater Impact Questions Using a Geographic Information System (GIS)
Environmental concerns have raised complex questions about the impacts of increased groundwater levels adjacent to navigational pools along the Red River, Louisiana. Previous studies had...

Applications of Remote Sensing to Irrigated Agriculture
Several uses for satellite digital imagery and data from portable field radiometers have been developed for the monitoring of agricultural crops, their yields, insect and disease attacks,...

United States Metrication and the EC 92
Major Congressional legislation adopted in 1988 was related to USA trade and competitiveness problems of the Nation. The legislation contained a section on metrication that required all...





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