Method for Weakening the Ice Cover in Northern Rivers
The recent acceleration of development activities in the North, mainly related to the development of oil and gas fields, has necessitated the bridging of many arctic streams. In such streams,...

The Role of Ice Gouging in Determining Global Forces on Arctic Structures
Structures built in water depths where ice keels are in contact with the seafloor can experience reductions in the environmental driving forces transmitted to structures due to seafloor...

Ice Loads on Structures With Compound Slopes
Many of the offshore drilling structures proposed for use in the Arctic have sides with multiple slopes. Sloping walls are used at the waterline to cause the ice sheet to fail in bending...

Iceberg Interactions with Offshore Structures
Various aspects include the component problems corresponding to iceberg drift in open water, iceberg drift in the vicinity of a large offshore structure, wave-induced motions of a berg,...

Design of an Icebreaking Offshore Supply Vessel
There are two basic scenarios for icebreaking support vessels. The first is the delivery of drilling fluids and supplies to drilling units and other development operations. The second...

Single Point Mooring in Ice Infested Waters
Several design studies have investigated the use of Single Point Mooring (SPM) systems in waters having significant seasonal ice intrusions. Investigations were carried out for both temporary...

Probabilistic Description of Ice Forces on an Offshore Arctic Structure
A probabilistic simulation model has been developed to describe the frequency and outcome of multi-year ice floe encounters with a fixed offshore structure located in the Beaufort Sea,...

Spatial Analysis of Ice Charts
Spatial approaches to ice environment modeling can not only lead to better local hazard predictions but also produce regionalizations that are useful for construction, navigation, and...

Utilizing Design Events Within Risk-Based Design
Design load selection based on the return period of an environmental event is not possible when the event is described by more than one parameter. Risk analysis can be used to associate...

Selection of Environmental Design Criteria for Arctic Structures
Where data are insufficient for calculation of extremes using probability theory, design criteria may be reasonable defined by combining available data, knowledge of physical processes...

Probabilistic Approaches to Arctic Offshore Engineering
The arctic offshore environment poses challenges in design, site construction, and operation that range from the problems associated with large ice forces, to those of short open-water...

Probabilistic Design of Gravity Foundations for Arctic Offshore Structures
The use of the probabilistic simulation technique to estimate the variability of the resistance and the ice load on arctic gravity structures is illustrated in order to assess the safety...

Risk Assessment of Sea Bottom Scouring Using Fuzzy Set Theory
An approach to the assessment of risk to buried pipelines from ice gouging is developed using Fuzzy Set Theory. Statistical procedures currently used to analyze ice gouge data are inadequate...

Creep Properties of Ice: Theory and Experiment
In recent years, intensive developments in Northern regions have increased the demand for solutions to a large number of engineering problems involving ice mechanics. In particular, these...

The Calculation of Ice Forces on Arctic Structures
Results of tests conducted to determine the relationship between uniaxial compressive strength of ice and crushing force are presented. A plot of normalized uniaxial compressive strength...

Triaxial Compression Testing of Ice
An understanding of the confined compressive strength of ice is needed to develop constitutive equations and failure criteria for analytical ice-structure interaction models. Procedures...

Centrifugal Modeling of Ice Forces on Single Piles
The ice forces and ice floe failure mechanisms associated with an ice sheet surrounding a vertical cylindrical pile were evaluated. A test system was developed to model ice forces in gravity...

Santa Fe's Mobile Arctic Drilling Barge
There is a need for mobile units that can operate year-round in shallow Alaskan waters south of the Bering Strait for exploratory drilling and/or early production. Santa Fe has completed...

Offshore Seawater Intake in the Arctic
Waterflood has become a proven technique for enhancing oil recovery from oil producing reservoirs. At Arctic north slope areas, seawater has been used successfully for such operations....

Three-Dimensional Analysis of an Artificial Island
A nonlinear, finite element analysis has been carried out to investigate the influence of three-dimensional loading and geometry on deformation and failure of an artificial island. The...





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