Evaluating Computer Aided Support Systems for Infrastructure Management
Computers have invaded nearly every aspect of our lives. Management of our municipal infrastructure is no exception. Today more than ever, efficient, timely, informed management of our...

A Geographic Information System to Support State-Wide Hydrologic Modeling with the SCS-TR-20
A geographic information system (GIS) that is structured for hydrologic analyses has been installed in the Maryland State Highway Administration's (MSHA) Division of Bridge...

Application of a Geographic Information System to Hydrologic Modeling Using HEC-1
A geographic information system (GIS) was used to derive areally-weighted hydrologic parameters for input to the HEC-1 hydrologic model for approximately 600 square miles of Pierce County,...

A GIS Based Geomorphic Approach for the Digital Computation of Time-Area Curves
Hydrologists routinely operate simulation models to approximate the runoff process. A popular strategy is the routing of a 'time-area' histogram. In addition, state-of-the-art hydrologic...

A Perfect Base for a GIS: The Digital Orthophoto
A digital orthophoto is a rectified image with no relief displacement or radial distortion inherent in an aerial photo. One advantage of a digital orthophotography is that it can be used...

Guidelines for Water Resource Models Development and Use
Water resources literature suggests that computer based models have the potential to provide useful information in facilitating water resources decision making process. Therefore, continuous...

Using Off the Shelf Engineering & Business Software for Managing Water Resources, Case Study: Rancho California Water District (RCWD)
The paper presents the use of common engineering and business software packages for the purpose of managing water resources. A case example is presented where an existing water district's...

Models for Groundwater Permit Determination
This paper describes legislation and research related to establishing a permitting system for groundwater withdrawals. Two mathematical programming models are described that address the...

Corps of Engineers Water Control Data Systems for the 90's
Corps of Engineers water control data systems encompass all of the instruments, equipment, computers, and software used to collect and use environmental data in real-time water control...

Parallel Processing in Water Management
The introduction of parallel processing as an alternative to super-computing provides opportunities for rapid numerical integration of equations describing open-channel hydrodynamics....

A Multilevel Optimal Control Algorithm for Real-Time Water Resources Management
The real-time, dynamic operation of an existing system of reservoirs, advanced wastewater treatment plants, navigation locks and natural steam channels is formulated as a continuous, distributed...

Reservoir Operation Analysis with the PC
Information for reservoir water-supply planning is available from an interactive PC-DOS-based program. With this program, the user controls the sequence of data preparation and simulation...

Stochastic Optimization for Long Term Operation of Multiple Reservoirs: A New Approach
The study emphasis of optimal scheduling of reservoir system operations has shifted to stochastic mathematical programming since future reservoir inflows are uncertain and recent advances...

Wave Motion in Aerated Rubble Mounds
Experimental investigations were undertaken to study the effect of air entrainment on wave motion in rubble mounds. The study is aimed at the understanding of the processes associated...

Risk-Cost Analysis Under Uncertainty for Dredged Material Management
Fuzzy Composite Programming is used to conduct a risk-cost trade-off analysis under uncertainty for a simplified dredge material disposal problem. Uncertainties inherent in the components...

Design Program for Gravity Sanitary Sewers
The Gravity Sewer Design Program Version 2.1 M (GSDP2M) performs the hydraulic design for a conventional gravity sanitary sewer network. GSDP2M is written in standard Fortran 77 for batch...

An Expert System for the Planning and Design of Flood Control Channels
The planning and design of flood control channels often calls for the evaluation of a unique set of physical conditions which do not lend themselves to standard designs. Consequently,...

Introduction to Multi Criterion Methods and Selected Software
Water resources and environmental managers face a difficult task of managing water resources systems to meet an increasing array of objectives. Often the various objectives are non-commensurable...

Modeling 70,000 Feet of Interceptor for Aurora, CO
During preliminary design for the City of Aurora's Tollgate Creek Interceptor Sewer Improvements, the authors modeled over 70,000 linear feet of interceptor for both present...

Automated Sensitivity Analysis for FORTRAN Models
For complex computer models used in engineering design and assessment, a cost-efficient procedure for identifying the parameters that are important to a given model prediction is a necessity....





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