Radio Telemetry as a Tool for Fisheries Mitigation
Monitoring discrete fixed locations requires automated receivers and data loggers while manned, mobile receivers are more suited to general movement or habitat studies. Of the three tagging...

Hydropower and Fish Passage Impacts
The Pacific Northwest Electric Power Planning and Conservation Act (Act) of 1980 formed the Northwest Power Planning Council, which establishes criteria and sets goals for developing future...

Improvement of Dissolved Oxygen Levels at Shepaug Hydro Station
Discharge from Shepaug Dam in Connecticut fall below the state standard for dissolved oxygen in summer and early fall, because of thermal stratification of the upstream eutrophic reservoir....

Water Quality Studies for Hydro Licenses
Three case studies on the impact of hydro operation on dissolved oxygen concentration performed for hydro license applications are utilized in a discussion of water quality issues. A negative...

Tailwater Management for Beneficial Uses
Tailwaters can provide significant benefits for recreation, fisheries, assimilative capacity for treated wastewaters, and water supply for municipalities and industries. Development and...

A Water Quality Impact Analysis of a Hydropower Facility
A low-head hydropower generating facility has been proposed at an existing dam site on a river. The state environmental agency has required an environmental evaluation into the potential...

Balancing Hydropower Development in the Ohio River Basin
A large number of retrofit hydroelectric projects have been proposed at existing navigation dams in the Ohio River basin. These proposals involve potentially adverse environmental impacts,...

Regional Rivers Resource Assessment as a Tool for Hydropower Planning and Policy: The Pacific Northwest Rivers Study
In August, 1984, the Bonneville Power Administration (BPA) and the Northwest Power Planning Council (Council) initiated a study to provide information about important river characteristics...

Using IFIM at the Upper Greenwich Project and Other Hydropower Developments
The Instream Flow Incremental Methodology (IFIM) is widely used at numerous hydroelectric projects today for determining flow releases. IFIM is capable of quantifying changes in aquatic...

Geology Related Construction Problems at the Urugua-i Hydroelectric Project
The Urugua-i Hydroelectric Project in north-eastern Argentina consists of an 80 m high roller-compacted concrete dam, 4.4 km long lateral dike, 800 m long power tunnel, and a 120 MW powerhouse....

Clay Joints in the Foundation of Dkhila Dam
The stability analysis performed at the beginning of construction, taking into account the shear test results of the foundation claystone showed insufficient safety factors against sliding....

Newfoundland's First Arch Dam Construction Versus Climate
Paradise River arch dam is located in a narrow box canyon about 50 m deep and less than 10 m wide at streambed. It is a thin arch dam, especially sensitive to temperature loads, thus contraction...

The Groundwater Studies for the Harrisburg Hydroelectric Project
The proposed Harrisburg Hydroelectric Project is a conventional 34.4-MW power facility located on the Susquehanna River in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. The project will raise the river water...

An Evaluation of the Applicability and Cost of Polyester Resin and Cementitious Grouts for the Installation of Rock Anchors at Hydro Projects
The success of two proposed hydropower projects in the States of Virginia, and West Virginia depended on the ability of a rock anchor system to support the penstocks at the crown of the...

Geology and Hydrofacture, Moose River Power Tunnel, New York
The Moose River Hydroelectric Project, Lyonsdale, New York, is constructed in Precambrian gneiss of the western Adirondack Mountains. A key element of the project was construction and...

Design and Installation of Prestressed Rock Anchors for Penstocks at the Sheldon Springs Project
A mini-hydroelectric project producing 25MW of power was recently completed near St. Albans, Vermont. The power conduit conveys water from the intake on the river to a bifurcation and...

In-Situ Shear Strength Testing
Dam stabilization requirements at the Upper Mechanicville Hydroelectric Project on the Hudson River in New York were significantly modified based on the results of an in-situ direct shear...

HYOPS?Maximizing the Value of Your Hydro River System
This paper presents a microcomputer based software system, HYOPS, to optimize the operations of a series of hydro plants on a river system. The model can accommodate up to 10 plants which...

Optimization of Power Production Based on Efficiency Data
Computer programs dealing with different parts of the optimization process are in operation in Norway today, and they include: the hydrological part from weather forecast to reservoir...

Instream Flow and Energy Production Studies for Hydro Relicensing
A methodology for assessing the effects of alternative flow release scenarios on both aquatic habitat and on energy production was utilized during instream flow studies at a 72-MW hydroelectric...





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