Channel Changes in the Platte River, 1926?1986
The Platte has changed significantly during the last century. A meandering channel with extensive riparian vegetation growth has replaced, the once braided and unvegetated channel in some...
The Lower Mississippi River and the Coriolis Force
Weather patterns and large bodies of water respond to the forces generated by the earth's rotation. A large north-south flowing river, such as the Lower Mississippi River,...
Flushing Flow Analysis Concepts
Many environmentally oriented groups who oppose water resources projects, have conceived various types of flow requirements to supposedly meet a variety of biological purposes in rivers....
Physical Modeling of Major Cutoffs
In 1987, a model study of Lock and Dam No.4 on the Red River in Louisiana required two major cutoffs and a lock and dam to be modeled. Although the Waterways Experiment Station has modeled...
Applicability of Several Common Methods of Debris Estimation
In southern California, the Tatum method and the Los Angeles County Flood Control District procedures have been widely used to estimation debris production rates. To evaluate the applicability...
Deposition at a New Dam Near Mount St. Helens
A sediment retention structure (SRS) is being constructed on the North Fork Toutle River in the state of Washington to trap sediments eroding off the 1980 Mount St. Helens debris avalanche....
Idealized Debris Flow in Flume with Bed Driven by a Conveyor Belt
The generalized viscoplastic fluid (GVF) model is used to derive the theoretical expressions of two-dimensional velocities and surface profile for debris flow established in a flume with...
Debris Torrents in Nepal and Use of Reliability Engineering Concepts During Redesign of River Works
Debris torrents, generated by cloudbursts and by glacier lake outbursts, occur frequently in the Nepal Himalaya. A simple fault tree analysis is applied to the destruction of a diversion...
Probabilistic Approaches to Maintenance
All structures and their components are subject to the aging process, to wear and tear in the performance of assigned functions and to deterioration by exposure to the operating environment....
Fixed-Wheel Gates Uses and Limitations
The fixed-wheel type of gate, which derives its name from sets of wheels mounted on axles fixed to the gate, rolls upon and transmits the hydraulic load of the gate to guide tracks bearing...
Elements of a Coastal Stormwater Drainage System
Several elements in the design of a stormwater drainage system that outfalls to the ocean are discussed. The paper discusses a study conducted of the Ocean Lakes Watershed near Myrtle...
Evaluation of TR-55 on Coastal Watersheds
Results of a study of the applicability of TR-55 to coastal watersheds are presented. Historical data were used to evaluate curve number, time of concentration and unit hydrograph peak...
International Research on Mechanics of River Bank Erosion?A Summary Overview
A brief overview is presented of research regarding mechanisms of river bank erosion and treatments. In the research river planforms, water stages, currents, waves, ice sediments, bed...
Model for Determining the Optimal Rehabilitation and Replacement of Water Distribution System Pipes
K.E. Lansey and L.W. Mays developed a new methodology for the minimum cost design of new and expansion of existing water distribution systems. This methodology interfaces a nonlinear programming...
Siting the New Boston Outfall: Near-Field Considerations
This paper describes a procedure applied in near-field considerations for siting the new outfall to serve the Massachusetts Water Resources Authority's (MWRA) proposed regional...
The Tides Effects on the Dam Break Flood Wave
The accuracy of water level predictions downstream of the dam is dependent upon the breach evaluation, the correct estimation of the roughness coefficients and when the flood wave reaches...
The Hydro Business: 1990 and Beyond
During the last ten years, hydroelectric generation received more and more attention as a source of reliable and economical electricity. Since the first WATERPOWER conference, the industry...
Status of Hydropower Development at Corps of Engineers Dams
The Corps of Engineers is the largest single supplier of hydroelectric power in the United States with 74 projects and an installed capacity of 20,839 MW. In addition, 33 Corps projects...
The Development and Writing of the ASCE/EPRI Hydroelectric Guidelines
In the Spring of 1989, the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) and the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) jointly published their Civil Engineering Guidelines for Planning...
Project Evaluation?Don't Miss the Boat
The hydroelectric developer is faced with many decisions during the evaluation stage. These include determining the size of the project, financial analysis to be used, type and number...
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