Hammering Out a New RCRA
Recent amendments to the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) add thousands of new waste generators and many new wastes to the list of those to be regulated. Some say RCRA is...

Evaluation of Pretreatment and Sludge Disposal Plans
A spreadsheet model is developed to assist municipal managers in evaluating industrial wastewater pretreatment plans and sludge disposal criteria. A case study is presented....

Modeling of Microbially Active Soil Columns
A soil-based microbial treatment process for on-site treatement of hazardous industrial wastewaters has been developed. The indigenous microflora of the soil are supplemented by the addition...

Integrated Knowledge-Based Software for Flood and Water Pollution Management
The authors' aim is to develop a comprehensive city-wide system to control both flooding and pollution. This system provides information on the sewer system with regard to:...

EPA Supported Wasteload Allocation Models
Modeling is increasingly becoming a part of the Wasteload Allocation Process. The US EPA provides guidance, technical training and computer software in support of this program. This paper...

Future Trends in Software Development
The Office of Water (OW) has set program goals of improving the productivity and technical quality of wasteload allocation modeling and water quality-based permitting in the States and...

Basalt System Characterization: Inverse Technique
The Basalt Waste Isolation Project (BWIP) has been established to assess the feasibility of the Columbia River Basalt Group as a host medium for a high-level radioactive waste repository....

Ground-Water Flow Model of Soda-Ash Waste Beds
A recent application by a steel manufacturing plant to obtain a permit for an industrial landfill located on top of abandoned soda-ash waste beds in the City of Syracuse, New York, resulted...

Allowable Metal Contaminant Levels in Landfilled Sludge
Disposal of municipal sludges in dedicated sanitary landfills can be environmentally acceptable. Contaminants within the sludge present the potential for public health risks but these...

Manatee County Plans for Environmental Protection
Faced with a projected population increase of 53 percent by the year 2000, Manatee County, Florida, is protecting its water resources by developing a regional wastewater facilities program...

Well Rehabilitation Using Decision Tree Analysis
The decision tree concept of decision analysis theory can be easily adapted to the water and wastewater industry in making spending decisions for rehabilitation programs, renewal and replacement...

Evaluation of the Effects of Temperature and Oxygen Concentration on Lignin Biodegradation
Color in natural waters has been attributed to humic substances which are believed to originate as by-products of lignin biodegradation. The purpose of our research was to examine the...

A Case Study of Ground Water Quality Protection in California
Incidents of ground water contamination from improper disposal of industrial wastewater have been widespread throughout California. In late 1984 the State Water Resources Control Board...

Apportionment of Costs for Multi-Party Cleanups
A rational model was developed for allocating remedial response costs among potentially responsible parties involved in clean up of abandoned waste sites. The model takes into consideration...

Emerging Environmental Clean-Up Responsibility
This paper is a summary of the structure of regulations requiring clean-up of sites when closed or sold, specifically the State of New Jersey's Environmental Cleanup Responsibility...

True Cost Comparison of Landfilling and Incineration of Hazardous Wastes
An analysis of the 'true' costs of a series of discrete model situations representing hazardous waste management by landfilling and incineration was conducted....

Computer Control of Lift Station Operations
A unique computerized control system to supervise the operation of several lift stations has been designed by Boyle Engineering Corporation (Boyle) and constructed by the City of Orlando,...

Los Angeles Infiltration/Inflow Reduction Program
The City of Los Angeles maintains and operates two wastewater collection and treatment systems: the Hyperion System and the Terminal Island System. During the wet months of December through...

Role of Air in Improving First-Stage RBC Performance
A four-stage RBC (rotating biological contactor) treatment plant having two parallel trains is used to treat combined municipal and industrial dairy waste from a city with a population...

Fluidization of Biomas Covered Sand Particles
The expansion behavior of the fluidized bed reactor support medium is important in its design and analysis. Steady state and dynamic behavior of fluidized bed expansion were compared with...





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