Water Quality Management Through Project Operation
Harry S. Truman Dam, a multipurpose reservoir project, is located on the Osage River in the headwaters of the Lake of the Ozarks. Construction of this project created the potential to...

Stochastic Stream Flow Analysis for Hydrograph Controlled Waste Release
A risk based procedure for the design of hydrograph controlled release sewage lagoons is derived. The procedure is based on a stochastic analysis of streamflow events above a given threshold...

Reservoir Water Quality Assessment Using in Situ Microcosms
Although there are a number of techniques for determining the limiting nutrient, as will be demonstrated, in-reservoir microcosms permit in situ experiments to be conducted under relatively...

The Santa Ana River Flood Forecasting System
A real-time flood forecasting and reservoir operations simulation system has been developed for the Santa Ana River Basin, located in southern California. The system consists of generalized...

Groundwater Quality Modeling at Redlands/Crafton Area
Organic groundwater contamination exists in the Redlands area of the Bunker Hill Groundwater Basin which is of major concern to the health and water agencies in the region. The contaminants...

A Riverflow-Water Quality Control Model
In order to implement how regulated riverflow (control variable) impacts the salinity (output variable) under a tidal dynamic environment, a multiple input control system is developed....

Southeastern Drought of 1986 - Lessons Learned
An interim drought management plan for the Apalachicola-Chattahoochee-Flint (A-C-F) river basin was completed in April, 1985, just in time for testing as the drought developed. Objectives...

Verifications and Applications of a Nonpoint Source Pollution Model
To meet the needs of the Illinois Comprehensive Monitoring and Evaluation (CM&E) project of the Rural Clean Water Program (RCWP), the Agricultural Nonpoint Source Pollution Model...

Assessment & Control of Wind Created Risk During Construction
Structures under construction have been damaged by winds. The damaging winds, typically, are much lower than the design wind loads for completed structures. Little guidance is available...

Chemical Admixtures for Concrete, What is in Them for the Structural Engineer?
The paper summarizes the effect of admixtures on the economy in construction of concrete structures, on their strength, and on their durability under a variety of service conditions. As...

Environmental Engineering
The American Society of Civil Engineers annually sponsors a Specialty Conference on Environmental Engineering. The 1987 Conference was held in Orlando, Florida on July 7-9, 1987 with cooperation...

Integrated Information System for Traffic Control Device Management
Traffic engineers and planners have the day-to-day responsibility to maintain the safety and operational efficiency of streets and highways in their jurisdictions. Managing traffic control...

An Adaptive Control Strategy for Signalized Intersections
This paper presents a microprocessor-based computational strategy for real-time demand-responsive traffic signal control. The strategy, termed OPAC (Optimization Policy for Adaptive Control),...

Irrigation Systems for the 21st Century
This book contains papers presented at the ASCE Irrigation and Drainage Division specialty conference, Irrigation Systems for the 21st Century, held in Portland, Oregon, July, 1987. Environmental...

Engineering Hydrology
The Surface Water Hydrology Committee, ASCE Hydraulics Division, sponsored this first Symposium on Engineering Hydrology. The Symposium was held jointly with the ASCE National Conference...

Ground Water Management
This manual is designed to present an outline of groundwater hydrology, the details of planning for groundwater management, and a process of selection and implementation of management...

Optimal Strategies for Phase Control of Wave Energy Devices
Phase control has previously been proposed for increasing energy output from wave power devices, and latching strategies have been tested for point absorbers and for pneumatic devices....

The Strategic Use of Information Systems in Urban Transportation
Computer information systems have been used by many private firms to improve the quality and change the character of the products and services they provide. Such uses of computers are...

Construction Guide Liners
Geomembrane liners for waste construction require meticulous construction, monitoring and weather watching. With much concern over the longevity of geosynthetics, many overlook the extreme...

Going Sewerless
An in-building wastewater recycling system is an option where lack of sewers, limits on water supply, and special concerns about water quality are obstacles. The system was incorporated...





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