Automating Project Scheduling?A Case Study
This paper describes the on-going development of a 'finite element' based, project planning and scheduling package which uses knowledge bases, inference engines,...

Knowledge-Based Construction Scheduling Support
Research efforts are underway to develop enhanced tools for construction scheduling support. Current work includes the development of an advisor system for considering schedule weather...

Typification and Evaluation in Design
Recently, writers on design theory have characterized the design process as an interaction between broad categories of design knowledge and their application in unique situations. The...

A National Research Agenda to Enhance the Civil Engineering Profession Today and in the Future
The civil engineering profession of yesterday and today is highlighted by the design and construction of impressive projects in energy, transportation, buildings, and power systems. Innovative...

Globalization and its Impact on Construction Technology
The nature of international construction markets is changing. Competition is yielding to the concept of globalization. This paper discusses some of the issues which constitute topics of...

Computer Data Exchange Using National and International Standards
There is a need within the construction industry to electronically transmit standard documents between designers, owners, contractors, and material suppliers. Ideally, the transmission...

Incentives for Technological Innovation in Construction
Why innovate in construction? The answer to this frequently asked question is critical for the future of the U.S. engineering and construction industry. One reason for this is the multitude...

Factors Affecting the Transfer of Expert Systems Technology
Increased complexity of facilities, owners' changing needs, inadequate construction methods, and international competition have created strong demands for advanced construction...

Learning and Innovating in a Construction Technology Laboratory
It has been generally recognized that the construction industry world wide, and especially in the U.S., needs innovative changes in order to produce more complex products at higher quality...

Case Method to Educate Innovation Champions in Construction
This paper describes a recent experimental course concerning management of technology for construction innovation. The experience of conducting this course indicates that the case method...

Value Engineered Construction
Value Engineering provides us with a systematic approach for looking at design and construction projects with an eye to cost cutting while maintaining or improving value, however value...

Consultant Construction Engineering and Inspection Practices Within the Florida Department of Transportation
This paper presents an overview of the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) approach to a program utilizing Construction Consultant Construction Engineering and Inspection (C-CEI)....

Contractor Inspection
Partnering between the owner, architect-engineer (A-E) and construction contractor creates an environment which facilitates the successful completion of quality construction. Each participant...

Geotechnical and Construction Aspects of the Immersed Tube Tunnel in Boston Harbor
An immersed tube tunnel (ITT) approximately 3,850 feet in length will be constructed as a part of the Central Artery/Tunnel Interstate Highway Project located in Boston, Massachusetts....

Computer-Integrated Construction and the Building Life Cycle
This presentation will discuss the computer-integrated construction (CIC) movement, where this movement is heading, how current CIC software products meet the needs of today's...

Electronic Communication Between Project Participants
Fragmentation in the U.S. construction industry is perceived as one of the major contributors to reduced productivity. Lack of communication may be the main difficulty. Communication is...

Resource-Driven Scheduling
As the project management techniques get applied to more and more human resource intensive projects, the topic of more effective resource planning has become one of the major issues in...

Smart Exception Reporting
Project control systems that contain a degree of 'intelligence' are possible with today's technologies. At the same time project controls engineers...

Construction Quality Management
The Resident Management System (RMS) is a microcomputer based quality management and contract administration system designed specifically for resident engineers, by the Los Angeles District,...

A Knowledge Engr. System for Inquiry Feedback P.M.
The Knowledge Engineering Computer System for Inquiry Feedback Project Management was developed to augment existing project control systems by determining possible causes for delays and...





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