Geometric Design Projects for Highways
An Introduction
This book provides an introduction to geometric design of highways by means of examaples and projects that emphasize basic specifications, approaches to preliminary route selection, alignment,...

Recycled Roads
The movement to recycle wastes in highways appears to be gathering momentum nationwide. Rubber from old tires, wood chips, reclaimed asphalt pavement, fly ash, scrap plastic, mining wastes...

MASSPORT Modernization
Construction began last fall on the Massachusetts Port Authority (MASSPORT) upgrade of the 50-year-old Paul W. Conley Terminal in Boston. When completed in 1994, this timber-pile-supported...

Driving Under a Construction Site
Throughout the summer of 1992, vehicles passed unimpeded through one of the most heavily traveled intersections in Los Angeles County as construction proceeded on a concrete light-rail...

Motivating Technical Employees
The traditional methods of motivating employees�offers of higher pay and better perks�often fail to inspire technical employees, leaving their managers scratching their heads. But a review...

The Development of the CRWMS Transportation System
The Transportation System of the Civilian Radioactive Waste Management System (CRWMS) is being developed using a system engineering approach to ensure it is properly integrated into the...

Development of the Planning and Control Segment, CRWMS Transportation System
This paper discusses the current plans for the development of the Planning and Control segment of the SRWMS Transportation System. Each of the four Planning and Control subsystems are...

Development of the Service & Maintenance Segment of the Transportation System
This paper discusses the progress to date in establishing the Service and Maintenance Segment of the Transportation System required to maintain the equipment required to transport spent...

Development of the Field Operations and Carrier Segments, CRWMS Transportation System
This paper discusses the current status and plans for the development of the Field Operations and Carriage segments of the Transportation System of the Civilian Radioactive Waste Management...

Site and Facility Waste Transportation Planning Documents (SPDs): Status and Findings
Site and Facility Waste Transportation Services Planning Documents (SPDs) are detailed desk-top reference documents that initiate planning for shipping commercial spent nuclear fuel (SNF)...

IAEA Activities in Long-Term Storage of Spent Fuel
According to its Statute, one of the main goals of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) is to accelerate and enlarge the contribution of Atomic Agency to peace, health and prosperity...

The Impact of Safety Analyses on the Design of the HWVP Vitrification Plant
Accident analyses are being performed to evaluate and document the safety of the Hanford Waste Vitrification Plant (HWVP). The effects of worst-case accident scenarios are evaluated by...

International Education Alliance for Education in Radioactive Waste Management
Sharing information among countries about technologies being used or planned for spent nuclear fuel and high-level radioactive waste management, storage, and disposal is important toward...

Education in Radioactive Waste Management: Issues of Science, Technology and Society
Public acceptance of matters relating to radioactive waste management can properly be sought through education, but what are the particulars to be considered and what is the strategy for...

Constraints to Effective Dissemination of Educational and Informational Materials on Radioactive Waste and Radioactive Waste Management: A Delphi Study
Because of the increased use of nuclear energy worldwide, and consequently because of increased need to store high level radioactive waste, a pressing need has surfaced to inform the citizenry...

Science Education Beyond the Classroom
The Yucca Mountain Site Characterization Project (YMP) sponsors a variety of classroom-oriented projects and activities for teachers who request them. Also available, though, are extra-curricular...

The Sellafield Repository Project as Seen by the Public?A Comparison of Research Techniques
To see one's organisation through the eyes of others, to monitor that view and to amend it if necessary, is the primary role of the public relations and public affairs function in an establishment....

The Impact of Using Reduced-Capacity Baskets on Cask Fleet Size and Cask Fleet Mix
The Civilian Radioactive Waste Management System transportation system will encounter a wide range of spent fuel characteristics. Since the Initiative I casks are being designed to transport...

Impact of More Conservative Cask Designs on the CRWMS Transportation System
The Office of Civilian Radioactive Waste Management has been working since the mid-1980s to develop a cask fleet, which will include legal weight truck and rail/barge casks, for the transport...

Marginal Overweight Operating Scenario for DOE's Initiative I Highway Casks
This paper assesses the potential transport of high-capacity Initiative I highway casks under development by the Office of Civilian Radioactive Waste Management (OCRWM) as permitted marginal...





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