Legal Principles and Theories
Legal issues are intertwined with all aspects of the technical considerations relating to temporary structures. This paper presents an introduction to the legal theories which relate to...

Current Legal Issues Impacting Temporary Works in Construction
There are two evolving areas of legal concern to the engineer and contractor involved in any aspect of temporary construction. The interpretation and application of the Occupational Safety...

Liabilities in Temporary Structures Failures?Representative Case Histories
Eight case studies involving construction accidents caused by failure of temporary structures are presented. These studies illustrate the oftentimes unintended consequence of utilizing...

Liability Insurance Coverages for Designers of Temporary Structures
A recent survey completed by the American Consulting Engineers Counsel (ACEC) indicates that in 1990 approximately 40 claims occurred per 100 firms. There also is an indication that claims...

Safety Analysis of Handset Wood Slab Formworks
A reliability index is calculated for flexural strength of a handset wood slab formwork system. Load and resistance models are based on a survey of construction loads and wood test data...

Limit States Design of Wooden Formwork for Concrete Walls
Load and resistance factors are developed for ultimate limit states design of wooden formwork components for concrete walls when the lateral concrete pressures are computed using the ACI...

FHWA'S Bridge Temporary Works Research Program
The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) has developed a research program to address bridge falsework design and construction. This resulted from the collapse of the Route 198 bridge...

Development of Standards for Slipform & Jumpform Works
Review of past work indicates substantial effort has been made to publish construction standards and guidelines for slipforms but published material pertaining to jumpforms is scarce....

Specifying Trench Safety: the Texas Experience
The frequency of accidents during trenching operations has grown so dramatically that the issue has caught the attention of both industry 'insiders' and 'outsiders.'...

Temporary Structures for Protection and Access
Temporary Structures in Construction Projects (TSC) are utilized for three (3) purposes A. Support (of the structure being built or adjacent structures or utilities) B. Protection (of...

Fall Protection & Debris Containment During Construction
The purpose of this paper is to review the current practices in the United States for both fall protection and debris protection during high rise construction. A performance comparison...

Temporary Lateral Support System for Historic Building Facades in Boston
This paper describes a system of vertically cantilevered structural steel trusses, designed by the author, that provided temporary lateral support for a group of five and six story, 120...

Performance of a Prestressed Rigid Frame During Removal of Column 6W from I93 in Boston, Massachusetts
The first phase of the suppression of Boston's Central Artery included the Early Viaduct Construction in the Central Artery North Area. This project required that Column 6W...

Permanent Structure as Part of the Underpinning System for Boston's Central Artery
The Central Artery, a major six lane structural steel viaduct, has been one of Boston's most significant roadways over the past three decades. Increasing congestion, accidents,...

Design and Planning of Structural Steel Roll-In
Innovative construction methods were required to erect structural steel inside a 170 foot long box truss over a railroad. The contractor engineered and executed a unique system to roll...

Composite Twin Tub Bridge Erection Intersection of Interstate I-84 and I-94 in Hartford, Connecticut
Curved bridge erection requires detailed preparation by the contractor, plus a sharing of responsibility and liability between the owner, designer of the new structure and the contractor....

Historical Background
Discussions on payments for encountering unexpected conditions in construction commenced in 1960 and subsequent programs were presented in 1963, 1989 and 1991. The current symposium contains...

Who Pays for the Unexpected in Construction? A Heavy Construction Contractor's Viewpoint
The complex question of who pays for the unexpected in construction is analyzed using several examples from experience. In addition to the unexpected being due to subsurface conditions,...

Who Pays for the Unexpected in Construction??Owner as Engineer's Point of View
In the case of an unexpected discovery or development, it potentially may evolve into a three-cornered dispute among the Owner, Engineer, and Contractor. Frequently, it may become a two-sided...

Who Pays for the Unexpected in Construction?
Unexpected events of major concern result from voluntary risks taken by one or more of the parties to a construction contract. The party taking the risk should reap the reward or pay the...





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