Extreme Flood Probability Estimates in Practice
Selecting the safety design flood for a dam or siting structures where flooding would cause severe social or economic disruption requires balancing the likelihood and consequences of failure...
The Estimation of Extreme Floods in Brazil
In Brazil, the design flood of a large dam is calculated using either the Probable Maximum Flood criteria or the 10,000-year Flood. Recently a Guidebook has been written to help Brazilian...
Global Climate Change?Implications for Large Water Resource Systems
Prospects of global climatic change resulting from the greenhouse effect are causing increasing concern. Predicted increases in average global temperatures are likely to be accompanied...
Hydrologic Implications of Global Warming on Water Resources in California
The possible effects of climate change on the water resources of the Sacramento-San Joaquin River Basin, as predicted by general circulation models (GCM's) were evaluated...
Issues of Detectability of Climate Change Impacts on the Runoff of a Southeastern River Basin
Can we detect and predict changes in hydrology caused by climate changes? Assuming credible predictions of climate change, can we predict corresponding hydrologic effects? Are uncertainties...
Climate Change Effects on Great Lakes Levels
The Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory has developed conceptual models for simulating moisture storages in and runoff from the 121 watersheds draining into the Laurentian Great...
Geostatistics: From Mining to Hydrology
Geostatistics originated in the mining industry to help estimate the amount of metal contained in a block or ore, from a systematic sampling of the block. In this paper, the major geostatistical...
Climate Change and U.S. Water Resources: Results from a Study by the American Association for Advancement of Science
The time horizon of the changes that might occur is similar to the time required for planning, approval, funding, construction and economic life of such major water facilities as dams,...
Effects of Climate Change on Watershed Runoff
This paper examines forecasts of changes in watershed runoff in the Delaware River basin that result from a range of predicted effects of increased atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2)...
Simulation of Precipitation by Weather-Type Analysis
A new approach that uses weather-type analysis as a basis for stochastic precipitation modeling was developed and tested for Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. The weather types permit the identification...
Effects of Runoff Changes and Sea Level Rise on Salinity in the Delaware River Estuary
The objective of this study is to investigate changes in the spatial distribution of salt in the Delaware Estuary resulting from climate induced changes in freshwater inflows and in the...
Prediction Using Geostatistics and Mathematical Models
This paper discusses a new interpretation of geostatistical estimation and presents some thoughts on the meaning of probabilities in geostatistics and the role of mathematical models of...
GEOPACK: A Geostatistical Software System
A comprehensive, user-friendly geostatistical software system called GEOPACK has been developed. The purpose of this software is to make available the programs necessary to undertake a...
Impact of Risk-Based Analysis on Hydrologic Design Practices
This paper provides a brief review of the current hydrologic design practices of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACOE) for safety inspection of dams and the current hydrologic design...
Estimation of the Probability of a Precipitation Event Occurring Over a Specified Watershed
A methodology is proposed for making rational flood control decisions when the physical characteristics of the upstream watershed are known and the characteristics of the extreme precipitation...
An Overview of Coastal Stormwater Drainage Problems
Considerable studies have focused on the drainage design in upland areas. In the Atlantic and Gulf Coastal region, the stormwater drainage presents many unique problems mainly due to the...
Design of Expansions for Sub-Critical Open Channel Flow
Expansions for open channel flow at sub-critical velocity are required whenever it is necessary to reduce the velocity of flow from a structure which discharges into an erodible channel....
Hydraulic Design of Mud Mountain Dam Outlet Works Modifications
Mud Mountain Dam is a single-purpose flood control project located on the White River in western Washington State. The existing flood control outlet works consist of an upstream controlled...
Cocohatchee River Basin Study
The report presents the modeling of the Cocohatchee River basin, including 2-D routings for wetland regimes, hydrologic/hydraulic analyses of the agricultural and suburban land uses, and...
Special Hydraulic Problems Related to Coastal Louisiana Drainage Systems
The urbanized coastal areas of southeast Louisiana present unique problems for hydraulic engineers. These problems relate to the design of drainage systems serving leveed areas with flat...
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