Scour Protection at the Straight Drop Spillway
Tests were conducted to determine the scour and the effect of tailwater on scour downstream of the straight drop spillway stilling basin. Preliminary results are presented on performance...

Local Scour at Bridge Abutments
Comparison of local scour depths at bridge abutments computed using different equations yields a large variation in predicted values. To consolidate the fragmented results of previous...

Analysis of Local Scouring
An understanding of local scouring is very important for the safety and integrity of hydraulic structures. The location, shape, and magnitude of the scour hole is a function of dynamic...

Baseflow and Beta Distribution
For water resources projects, design engineers are often required to separate total flow into baseflow and direct runoff. During such studies, baseflow is considered a crucial parameter;...

The Drought of 1988 in the U.S. Army Engineer District, Pittsburgh
The summer of 1988 was the hottest of the century in the Pittsburgh District. Pittsburgh experienced 38 days of 90 F degrees or more, including 3 days above the 100 F degree mark. This...

Investigation of Low-flow Phenomenon in Case of Droughts
By the use of streamflow and truncation levels, hydrologic droughts are defined. Flows of different truncation level are obtained from each selected subbasin. Flow ratio is calculated...

Routing a Cold Water Release Through TVA Reservoirs to Control Intake Temperatures at a Power Plant
A volume of cold water was routed some 160 miles through the TVA reservoir system to keep a nuclear plant intake temperature within safety limits. Mathematical modeling of the operation...

Stochastic Modeling and Generation of Droughts
Stochastic simulation was used for deriving drought properties of the Poudre River, Colorado and the Red River, North Dakota. The autoregressive moving average (ARMA) model and a threshold...

Reducing the Potential for Flood Litigation
A flood event is usually followed by numerous damage claims that often lead to litigation. This paper proposes measures to mitigate the potential for litigation. It is stressed that an...

Implementation of FEMA Guidelines on Alluvial Fans
This paper provides a general basis for analysis and mapping of flood hazards on alluvial fans. Federal Emergency Management Administration (FEMA) alluvial fan methodology is discussed...

Predicting Human Instability in Flood Flows
The delineation of high flood hazard zones within a flood plain is usually independent of the parameters that constitute a life threatening situation. In order to define human instability...

Cross Sectional Area Reduction Floodway Method
Encroachment on the floodplain, such as structures and fill, reduces the stream's flood carrying capacity, increases the flood heights and velocities, and increases flood...

Boundary Conditions of Tidal Model at River Mouth
A small grid is required to schematize irregular shape of shoreline in the vicinity of river mouth which limits the modeling area to be small. Tidal records along the boundary show no...

Application of Hydraulic and Sediment Transport Principles in the Design of Tidal Exchange Structures
This paper presents a procedure for the analysis and design of tidal exchange structures, such as tidal gates and training dikes. In lieu of over generalized theories or complicated modeling...

Sorting of Mixed Sand on a Two-Dimensional Beach
A numerical method is developed to predict temporal variations of the sea bed topography and the bed-material composition. The predicted results are compared with the measurements in a...

Identifying Causes and Predicting Effects of Bank Erosion
A number of causes of bank erosion in natural and disturbed environments are listed and described. Practical methods of predicting rates and directions of erosion in natural environments...

Geologic and Geomorphic Controls on Bank Erosion
Bank erosion is affected by both geologic (alluvial stratigraphy, sediment type, tectonics) and geomorphic (channel and valley morphology and history) variables. For example, present meander...

Hydraulic Mechanisms of Riverbank Erosion
Recent efforts are described to develop an improved understanding of bank failure due to piping in noncohesive layers in riverbanks. The efforts included field surveys and laboratory tests....

Geotechnical Aspects of River Bank Erosion
The principal geotechnical mechanisms of river bank failure are identified on the basis of extensive field investigations on many different river systems. The role of each factor depends...

Incremental Damage Assessment (IDA) For Lake Darling Dam
An Incremental Damage Assessment (IDA) has been completed for Lake Darling Dam, located on the Souris River, near Minot, North Dakota [1]. The IDA has indicated that a reduction in flood...





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