Intrusion of Turbid Water into a Two-Layer Stratified Environment
The horizontal intrusion of a turbid water with some intermediate density spreading on the interface of a two-layered homogeneous body of water is investigated. The study is directed towards...
Sedimentation in Mud Mountain Reservoir at High Discharge
Mud Mountain Dam is a single purpose flood control project completed in 1948 on the White River in the State of Washington. The White River drains the northern and northeastern slopes...
Infiltration of Water to the Ground in a Flood-Control Reservoir with Seepage
As storm water management in urban area with increasing amount of runoff, flood-control reservoir with the bed having large permeability to enrich the groundwater is considered. A dynamical...
Reservoir Sedimentation Mathematical Modeling
The main objective for this paper is to show how one can predict the sediment movement, and estimate the volume of the deposited sediments, which is considered as one of the factor affecting...
Water Resources Planning and Management
The proceedings of the 16th annual Water Resources Planning and Management Conference, which was held on May 22-24, Sacramento, CA, consists of four page extended abstracts for about 200...
Cold Regions Engineering
This volume contains papers that were presented at the 5th International Cold Regions Engineering Specialty Conference, sponsored by ASCE and held in St. Paul, Minnesota, February 6-8,...
Ports '89
This is a collection of the technical papers presented at the triennial Ports '89 Conference held in Boston, Massachusetts in May 1989. Authors, although predominantly from...
Compendium of International Ocean Energy Activities
Boundary Element Methods in Structural Analysis
Tutorial and state-of-art aspects of the Boundary Element Method (BEM) are combined with applications in structural analysis in order to provide information about the advantages of this...
Electricity From Air
After a decade of research and dozens of feasibility studies at sites around the country, the first Compressed Air Energy Storage (CAES) plant in the U.S. is under construction at McIntosh,...
Tapping A Glacier
The Eklutna water project receives a 1988 Outstanding Civil Engineering Award of merit. The project�a 30 mile pipeline and treatment plant that brings glacial runoff from Eklutna lake...
Power Without Acid
Anticipating tighter acid rain controls, DOE is developing duct injection units that can be attached to existing powerplants. In a typical duct injection system, lime is sprayed into existing...
Cincinnati's Dream Team
For years, the cries of Cincinnati's Public Works Department and its civil engineers for infrastructure repair fell on deaf ears. In 1986, Mayor Charles Luken tried a new...
Breakwater Choices
Most of the maritime breakwaters built throughout the world are of the rubble mount type, with a protective armor constructed of artificial blocks. Despite the multitude of different shapes...
The 1989 Outstanding Civil Engineering Achievement is an offshore oil production platform named Bullwinkle, a structure in the Gulf of Mexico that is taller than the Sears Tower, shaped...
Agriculture and Groundwater Quality
Nitrates and pesticides used in agriculture cause groundwater degradation. Agricultural practices in the U.S. will have to be changed to alleviate the health effects of these chemicals....
Award for an A-Frame
The Waddell A-frame truss bridge that now stands in Parkville, Mo. was neither the longest, largest nor most all-encompassing civil engineering project of 1988. But the story behind the...
The Battle Over Burning
Prendergast examined the strategy of integrated solid waste management as a potential solution to the U.S. garbage crisis, in particular the role of resource recovery. This strategy, which...
Top Projects for 1989
Transportation-related projects, most notably bridges, dominate the 1989 OCEA projects, but each of the 11 improved the quality of life of people in the community without harming the environment....
Scour Assessment at Bridges
Due to the key role that bridges play in the national transportation system, the Federal Highway Administration has developed a scour evaluation program. This program, issued in the form...
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