New Runways Take Off
The two mile long runway 9-27, now being constructed at Houston Intercontinental Airport, was built for about 30% ($7 million) less than if designed conventionally. Rather than concrete...

Nuclear Waste Handling and Storage
These papers examine a number of topics related to handling and storage of nuclear wastes and spent fuel as well as some topics related to transportation and long term disposal of nuclear...

Housing and Hazardous Waste Contamination
Problems and Remedies
When hazardous waste sites are discovered in close proximity to residential areas, scientists and engineers are often faced with conducting complex studies involving many government agencies...

James B. Francis and the Northern Canal
Lowell became America's first great industrial city because of the power of the Pawtucket Falls and the efforts of an amazing group of engineers, industrialists, and workers....

A Digester Gas Cogeneration Plant at EBMUD
Final testing and start-up of a 4. 3 MW digester gas cogeneration plant has been completed and full-time operation begun at the EBMUD Wastewater Treatment Plant in Oakland, California....

Managing Public Works: How the Best Do It
Management methods of what are considered the best public works organizations are reviewed. Examples of personnel management in some of these organizations include: Fostering the professional...

Hazardous Waste: Closing the Insurance Gap
Insurers are withdrawing from the hazardous waste field because of large claims and increased risks. Therefore, cleanup contractors are being forced to look for alternative ways to protect...

Structural Considerations for a Radwaste Facility
The structural engineer needs to consider several criteria when designing a radioactive-waste processing facility in order to properly balance the requirements of safety and economy. This...

Civil Engineering Challenge with Nuclear Waste
The planning, design and construction of the ground surface facilities for a nuclear waste repository involves civil engineering in many ways. The transportation of heavy, metal shielded...

Innovtive Designs for Low-Level Nuclear Waste Disposal Trenches
Shallow land burial of low-level nuclear wastes presents many problems that are within the scope of civil engineering analysis and design. This paper presents the results of a U. S. Nuclear...

A Model for Nuclear Waste Shipping and Storage
A management option for spent fuel assemblies from nuclear power plants is storage in away-from-reactor (AFR) storage facilities. The purpose of this paper is to preseent a new mathematical...

Oconee Spent Fuel Rerack
Spent fuel storage problems facing electric utilities with nuclear generation are growing more critical as existing spent fuel storage capacity is utilized. Due to the inaccessibility...

An Annual Water Balance for a Surface Mining Overburden Waste Embankment
The embankment contained a volume of 257 thousand cubic yards and resulted from a phosphate surface mining operation in southeastern Idaho. The elevation of the embankment is about 7500...

A Methodology of Assessing Nonpoint Source Pollution from Agricultural Watersheds
Appraisals of water quality impacts induced by applying watershed management practices are difficult due to many factors. Lack of existing research data base, the diffusive characteristics...

Cyanide Heap Leaching Problems at Elk City, Idaho
A cyanide heap leaching operation for gold recovery was started in 1983 above the water intake for the community of Elk City in north central Idaho which turned into a problem during the...

Assessing Seepage at Uncontrolled Hazardous Waste Sites
This paper presents a conceptual framework for estimating the concentration of organic contaminants in a groundwater plume over time. The basis of this framework is the application of...

Water Balance Approach to Prediction of Seepage from Mine Tailings Impoundments, Part I: General Water Balance Approach
The prediction of seepage from a tailings impoundment requires careful evaluation because the predictions can have significant economic impact upon designs, as well as permit stipulations...

Water Balance Approach to Prediction of Seepage From Mine Tailings Impoundments, Part II: Theoretical Aspects of Water Balance Approach to Seepage Modeling and Detailed Case History Results
Some of the most significant volumes and rates of interstitial tailings water discharge generally occurs during the initial portions of the primary consolidation process. During primary...

Can Clay Liners Work?
Nearly all liners for landfills and surface impoundments were constructed from compacted clay until about five years ago. But this is no longer so. In the past few years, clay liners used...

Municipal Refuse: Is Burning Best?
Communities are increasingly worried about polluting groundwater, and it is increasingly difficult to get permits to start new landfills. For these reasons, there is a trend back to municipal...





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