Experimental Design for Parameter Estimation in Groundwater
Model parameters have to be estimated from historical input-output observations using inverse procedures of parameter identification. Unfortunately, because of the limitation of the quantity...

One-Dimensional Modeling of Dam-Break Flow
R.W. MacCormack method is used for the numerical integration of Saint Venant equations to simulate the propagation of one-dimensional dam-break wave. The computed water levels are compared...

Finite Element Modeling in Free-Surface Hydromechanics
A finite element semi-discrete approximation is applied to the conservation law form of the two-dimensional, depth-averaged free-surface Navier-Stokes equations governing incompressible...

Importance of Density Gradient Terms in Estuaries
In estuaries classified as well-mixed or unstratified, two-dimensional depth averaged models have often been applied with the density considered as constant. Calculations, based on measured...

Flow and Quality Simulation of a Proposed Marina Development
A proposed off-channel marina development on the Sacramento River in California requires landfill in an area that is currently within the flood plain. Two dimensional computer models for...

Rigid-Lid Flow Calculations with MacCormack's Method
R.W. MacCormack's Method is employed for the calculation of subcritical flow in shallow water. The flow is assumed to be incompressible with rigid boundaries above and below,...

FLDWAV: A Generalized Flood Routing Model
A new unsteady flow simulation model, FLDWAV, has been developed by the National Weather Service for application on either micro-, mini-, or mainframe computers. FLDWAV is based on an...

Stream Flow Model for a Coastal Stream in Egypt
The Coastal region north of Egypt contains many small streams known as Wadis which are considered the main water resources in that region. All the Wadis in the north coast of Egypt run...

Flow Field and Bed Topography in River Meanders
A mathematical model is developed for the calculation of flow field and bed topography in curved channels with an erodible bed. A small perturbation approach is used to linearize the governing...

Processes of Meander Bend Migration
The flow pattern in a meander bend is described in terms of the primary flow, secondary flow, and cross-stream flow. Secondary flow which is normal to the primary flow contributes to lateral...

Predicting Channel Recovery from Sand and Gravel Extraction in the Naugatuck River and Adjacent Floodplain
Gravel extraction at five sites along the Naugatuck River in Connecticut is of sufficient magnitude that channel recovery to pre-mining morphology is expected to require up to several...

Friction Factor and Patterns in Armor Coats
Recent observations of friction factors at armor coat forming discharges suggest the presence of distinct geometric patterns in the locations of the coarsest grains in armor coats. A statistical...

Prediction of Scour Depth Under Armoring Conditions
A simple procedure is proposed to compute scour depth on an alluvial bed having graded materials under flow conditions which produce armor layer at the bed surface. The procedure is based...

Two-Dimensional Numerical Flow Models, Built and Used by Civil Engineers
The paper describes the WAQUA system, a series of programs to perform two-dimensional hydrodynamic and water quality simulations. Long term developments resulted in a successful system...

Twenty Years of Experience in Unsteady Flow Modeling of Open Channels at TVA
Two concerns prompted the development of dynamic methods for flow routings: (a) the safety of the nuclear plants being planned along the Tennessee River in the 1960's and...

A Model of Flow in Regulated Open Channel Networks
A model (NETWORK) is presented for the simulation of unsteady flow in regulated open channel networks. The operation of hydraulic structures, such as gates and weirs, are simulated as...

Physical River Model Results and Prototype Response
The Hydraulics Laboratory of the US Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station (WES) has performed physical hydraulic model studies on various rivers for nearly 60 years. These studies...

One-Dimensional Tidal Circulation Model
A finite-element, one-dimensional numerical model of tidal circulation was developed for estuarine and channel flow applications. The model was designed for the prediction of tide heights...

Simulation and Video Animation of Canal Flushing Created by a Tide Gate
A tide-gate algorithm was added to a one-dimensional unsteady flow model that was calibrated, verified, and used to determine the locations of as many as five tide gates that would maximize...

Mathematical Model of Wave Induced Pressures
A two-dimensional, implicit finite difference model was built to compute surface wave induced pressures under a gravity base foundation. The results showed considerable wave attenuation...





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