3-D Positioning for Construction Surveying and Automation
Three-dimensional real-time positioning is a critical requirement to allow for improved surveying and autonomous vehicle control. Given such a system and a project data link, multiple...

Smart Exception Reporting
Project control systems that contain a degree of 'intelligence' are possible with today's technologies. At the same time project controls engineers...

Radio Frequency Data Communication Applications in the Construction Industry
Construction operations produce substantial amounts of data resulting in seemingly growing amounts of paperwork for construction personnel. Not much can be done to diminish the amount...

Integrated Cost and Schedule Control Automation
Effective management of construction projects depends on good access to and control of data, especially data pertaining to cost and schedule control functions. Long recognizing the need...

Integration of Cost and Schedule Control
This paper presents cost control and schedule control relationships in an integrated manner for an activity/cost account that has a single output scheduled to be produced in a linear,...

Computer Assisted Claims Management and Preparation for Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR)
Interest in improving dispute resolution has risen steadily in recent years. Several U.S. government agencies have begun experimenting with alternative means of dispute resolution, such...

Construction Quality Management
The Resident Management System (RMS) is a microcomputer based quality management and contract administration system designed specifically for resident engineers, by the Los Angeles District,...

A Knowledge Engr. System for Inquiry Feedback P.M.
The Knowledge Engineering Computer System for Inquiry Feedback Project Management was developed to augment existing project control systems by determining possible causes for delays and...

Zero-based Contracts for Dispute Avoidance
There is presently considerable interest in reducing the costs associated with disputes and litigation in the facility acquisition process. One of the best ways to reduce such costs is...

Dispute Resolution: An Alternative to Litigation
A dispute, usually involving several parties, several million dollars and spanning many years, is settled on the court house steps. Excessive costs of litigation and arbitration has caused...

A Strategy for Partnering in the Public Sector
Partnering is a cooperative approach to contract management that reduces costs, litigation, and stress. The Portland District of the corps of Engineers has successfully used partnering...

Partnering on the Bonneville Navigation Lock
The Portland District of the Corps of Engineers has found partnering to be a valuable technique for contract and project management. This paper presents details of the execution of the...

Partnering Benefits?A Headquarters Department of the Army Perspective
Army facilities make a statement by reinforcing and reflecting Army values. High quality facilities attract, motivate, and retain quality personnel vital to national defense. As defense...

Contractor View of Partnering on Bonneville Lock
Kiewit Pacific is building a high-risk lock project for the Portland District of the Corps of Engineers. We are participating in a partnering technique for contract management. Partnering...

Designing Plans for Constructability
The writer has obtained several years experience acting as construction engineer for roadway rehabilitation projects as a consulting engineer. In this capacity, it is necessary to provide...

Constructability?Washington State Highways
During the last decade, efforts were directed towards improving constructability of highway design at Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT). This paper briefly summarizes...

Time/Cost Bidding
This paper presents the details of a relatively new and innovative approach to determining the low bidder on highway construction contracts. In the cost and time method each bidder proposes...

The Changing Face of Construction Management?Staffing up for a Major Program
The East Bay Municipal Utility District's (District) Wastewater Department annual construction program grew from $2.4 million in 1986 to $60 million in 1991. The District...

The Liability Crisis-Revisited
The 'liability crisis' of the 1980s which has affected engineers and other professionals in a significant way is considered. A number of theories or opinions...

Dispute Review Boards ? Not Just Another Alternate Dispute Resolution Method
Dispute Review Boards are developing an impressive track record as practical and effective mechanisms for avoiding and resolving contractual disputes. Preliminary research findings indicate...





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