Truck Weight Enforcement on a WIM
Pavements on interstate highways and other major truck routes are deteriorating faster than predicted. The cause is largely the larger-than-predicted number of the heaviest, 5-axle trucks....

Steel Bridge Counterattack
In bridges, for years steel has been losing market share to concrete, but now the steel industry is making an impressive comeback. One reason is use of load-factor design, which has cut...

Building on Water
During the last century, innovations in concrete have paved the way for the evolution of marine concrete structures. Oakland's proposed Carnation Container Terminal is using...

The Concrete Diagonal
Onterie Center in Chicago, Fazlur Kahn's last major structural design, is a companion in concrete to the diagonally braced steel John Hancock Center. It is a mixed-use building...

Grouting a Sand Dam
Hardy Dam, owned by Michigan's Consumers Power Co., was constructed in 1929 by dumping sand from railroad trestles for an embankment to support a concrete core wall. Some...

New Runways Take Off
The two mile long runway 9-27, now being constructed at Houston Intercontinental Airport, was built for about 30% ($7 million) less than if designed conventionally. Rather than concrete...

Spreadsheets: A New Design Tool
New techniques are developing which make computer programming easier. One new technique is spreadsheet programming for microcomputers. Two programs are presented which give a quick overall...

Application and Performance of Structural Materials and Exterior Facades
The papers in this book present some of the current thinking associated with today's construction materials as well as the results of research which is directed toward the...

Design Flexibility Cuts Costs
The Los Angeles Water Department saved $5 million on a pipeline project by investigating the capabilities of pipe fabricators to furnish the pipe size required and by being open to alternate...

Concrete Rehabilitation Options and Solutions
This paper demonstrates the basic steps for a successful rehabilitation program using a case study of the rehabilitation work for the NASA/JPL 64-meter deep space communication antenna....

Life Cycle Analysis
Of all the infrastructure elements, pavement performance has probably received more research than any. Similarly, there has been more application of pavement research. The concepts that...

Earth Retention & Noise Absorption Using Evergreen Planted Walls
There is a new concept in wall design used for retaining walls, free standing noise absorbing walls and rock revetments. The Evergreen System is comprised of large prefabricated concrete...

Innovative Solution for Urban Freeway Reconstruction
Technology which was developed for economic and rapid construction of precast concrete segmental box girder bridges is being utilized to permit the reconstruction of an urban freeway in...

Golden Gate Bridge: Deck Replacement
A major inspection of the Golden Gate Bridge in 1968-69 found the reinforced concrete roadway of the Bridge to have widespread defects and local failures. Further investigations found...

Frame Moments with the Takabeya Method
The Takabeya method of frame analysis, based on the same slope-deflection equations as the Hardy-Cross system, has the advantage of requiring much less memory and fewer computations than...

Construction of Strontia Springs Dam
Strontia Springs Dam is a principal feature of the Foothills Project on the South Platte River, 25 miles southwest of Denver, Colorado. The dam provides for storage and diversion of water...

Concrete Quality Control and Quality Assurance on Strontia Springs Dam
An essential part of the construction management services provided on Strontia Springs Dam was the quality control of material, mixture proportions, and production for all concrete placed...

Modular Construction Technology for Arctic Islands
In order to investigate the possibilities for application in the Arctic of new generation construction vessels, a conceptual design of a production island retained by crane-installed concrete...

Failure Modes in Concrete Structures Due to Ice Load
Analytical methods are described for predicting local behavior of deepwater concrete structures subjected to short duration loading from floating ice. Overall analytical approaches such...

Response of Concrete Shell Panels to Simulated Impact
Concrete gravity structures have been constructed in Arctic regions for oil and gas exploration/production. In addition to extreme winds and waves, sheet ice, annual ridges, rubble fields,...





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