Are Cities Doing Enough to Remove Cancer-Causing Chemicals From Drinking Water�
Is drinking water with its more than 300 organic chemicals present in trace quantities, a cause of cancer? Are there technically and economically feasible ways to remove these chemicals?...

Historic Turning Points in Municipal Water Supply and Wastewater Disposal, 1850-1932
1850-1880: Urbanization and development of large public water supplies combined to overload cesspools and privy-vaults. Sewers were constructed to protect public health. 1880-1900: Debate...

Design/Construct Companies�� Builders for Industry
Highlights in the evaluation of design/construct companies. How Koppers is establishing better dialog with all 7,000 professional employees. How Fluor has grown thanks to gutsy hiring...

European Water Treatment Practices�And What We Can Learn From Them
This article is of crucial significance to the American water-supply industry. We say this because for the most part, American engineers are largely unfamiliar with European water-treatment...

Award-Winning ASCE Papers in Geotechnical Engineering 1950-1959
Papers, Discussions, and Closures from ASCE Proceedings and Journal of the Soil Mechanics and Foundations Division
This collection of papers covers a broad range of relevant issues in geotechnical engineering. Topics include capillary phenomena in cohesive soils, final foundation treatment at Hoover...

New Gravity/Pressure Unit Cuts Sludge Dewatering Costs
A new device for dewatering sludges from either industrial or municipal waste treatment plants promises to cut both initial capital and operating costs over more traditional methods such...

Proven Organic Coatings for Long Term Protection�� Part II
Recent advances in coatings materials and their application make possible improved protection of structures in normal or aggressive environments. Shopcoating and field application are...

Concentric Waste-Treatment Plant Saves Land
An activated-sludge treatment plant in Camden, N.Y. has several innovations: the principal one is the use of concentric tanks�� as distinct from the usual way of having separate, isolated...

Let's Consider Land Treatment, Not Land Disposal
The regulations that control operation and design of land treatment systems are discussed. A solution to control ground water pollution must consider all potential impacts. Pretreatment,...

Wastewater Ozonation: A Process Whose Time Has Come
For many years, ozonation has been a technically viable solution to difficult waste treatment problems. Not until recently, though, has ozonation found growing acceptance as a cost-effective...

Highly Energy Efficient�� Wilton Wastewater Treatment Plant
The municipal wastewater treatment plant for Wilton, Maine, a community of 4,200, received one of two national awards for energy conservation in 1975. The plant includes primary and secondary...

Pilot Plant Program�� Treatment of NYC Water Supply
Many cities with upland reservoirs as their source of water are now finding it necessary to filter the water. Population growth in the upland areas and more stringent standards are the...

Recycling Refuse Into Energy
Some 50% of large cities, 10% of small ones reportedly are talking about recycling their municipal refuse. Several are building facilities or have recently begun operations. This article...

208: A Process for Water Quality Management
The Section 208 program is the key to the continuous management of the nation's water pollution clean-up efforts. In the past, regional approaches to water pollution abatement...

Designing More Reliable Waste Treatment Plants
In the past, many municipal waste treatment plants have not operated reliably. A 1969 Federal Water Pollution Control Administration Study, for instance, showed that 25% of 1500 plants...

Proposed Standards: Land Disposal of Effluents
There are many alternatives to costly advanced waste treatment (AWT) systems. The most attractive of these is land disposal of the sewage effluents from secondary treatment plants. Land...

Nation's Capital Faces Critical Water Problems
Untroubled by any major impoundments and much troubled by polution in its tidal reaches, the Potomac River continues to flow to the sea, while an increasing population depends on this...

Flow Equalization�Plus for Wastewater Treatment Plants
Flow equalization is important in maintaining optimum level performance in chemical water treatment plants. One way to do this is to build storage tanks upstream to regulate flow instead...

What's New in Water Treatment�
The Safe Drinking Water Act recently passed by Congress will have a definite impact on water treatment methods and especially on new standards and the monitoring thereof. Many have felt...

Will Industry Meet Water-Quality Goals�
What impact will the 1972 Water Pollution Control Act Amendments (PL 92-500) have on American industry? Able to cope with 1977 requirement to install best practicable technology (BPT)?...





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