Quasi-2D Transport and Morphological Forecasting in Large River Systems
Unused potentials of 1D morphological, and transport models were applied to predict not only the longitudinal but also the transverse distribution of concentrations and natural river bed...

The Formation of Meandering and Braided Channels
Flow in alluvial channels implies flow past boundaries that form and deform under the action of the flow. Interaction between the flow and the mobile boundaries produces channel patterns...

Potential Flow Over a Wavy Bed: A Persistent Error
The standard small-amplitude theory of potential flow over a wavy bed is briefly discussed, together with the three special values of the Froude Number which define four different flow...

Bed Waves Generated by Internal Waves in Alluvial Channels
The flow in an alluvial channel is conceived as a stratified flow both with respect to the velocity- and density-distribution. In such flows internal waves may occur which influence the...

A Tracer-Model for Morphological Simulations of an Estuary
Numerical models for longterm morphological simulations are traditionally based on assumptions like vertical integration of the flow and transport equations and their decoupled treatment....

New Developments About Mud Transport Models. Application to a Macrotidal Estuary
In order to assess the fate of fine particles and adsorbed contaminants due to tidal forcing in estuaries, a mathematical modeling system for cohesive suspended matter transport and bottom...

On the Numerical Simulation of Suspended Sediment Transport in Estuaries
Estuarine fine sediment transport is governed by a wide range of hydrological, chemical and biological parameters including baroclinic circulation, tidal pumping, resuspension, deposition,...

Storms and the Occurrence of a Turbidity Interface/Maxima in a Fresh Water Estuary
A combination of Landsat, field data and modeling analyses reveals a turbidity interface/maxima in the lower reaches of a freshwater tributary or 'estuary.' Mode...

Methods and Applications of Numerical Hydrology on a Drainage Basin
A model is presented here (MOMID) to study, having considered a morphological base of the drainage basin, the unit hydrogram and the routing time along the basin itself....

Application of Two-Dimensional Model to Predict Fine Sediment Deposition
The TABS-2 two-dimensional numerical modeling system was used to predict the potential for fine sediment deposition in the lock approach channels at Lock and Dam Nos. 4 and 5 on the Red...

Application of 2-D Model to Reduce Sedimentation Problems
The Corps of Engineers opened Lock and Dam No. 1 on the Red River Waterway in 1984. During the first runoff season, excessive quantities of fine sediment deposited in both the upstream...

Modeling of Contaminant Transport in Rivers with Emphasis on the Interaction with Movable Boundaries
The transport of dissolved and absorbed pollutants is simulated by a one-dimensional convection-diffusion model which particularly accounts for the exchange processes at the river bed...

Friction Slope Computation for Mathematical Models
The behavior of the energy flow gradient as function of depth and velocity is analyzed for three flow resistance methods. In the paper, the necessary modifications introduced to the methods...

Comparison of n Values in Natural and Dredged Channels
Manning's n values were determined for three stream channels in two complex watersheds in North Mississippi. The study covered a wide range of channel conditions and flow...

Derivation of a Stability Principle from the Shields Criterion
The widely used specific energy equation, which defines the subcritical and supercritical states of the open channel flow, is a direct result of the integration of the Froude number corresponding...

Highway Erosion Remedial Measures
Soil erosion from highway ditches, cut slopes and fill slopes present a continuous problem to roadway designers, geotechnical engineers, and construction and maintenance personnel from...

Modelling Changes in Coastal Morphology
A description is given of a newly-developed coastal sediment transport model. Features of the model are the inclusion of cross-shore transport and non-potential suspended load, the latter...

Modelling of Sand Bars in Coastal Environments
A mathematical model describes the formation of sand bars by progressive wind-generated waves. The model decomposes into several constituents linked together in a two step morphological...

Engineering Models for Coastal Sediment Transport
During the last ten years Danish Hydraulic Institute (DHI) has together with the Institute of Hydrodynamics and Hydraulic Engineering (ISVA) of the Technical University of Denmark been...

A Method to Treat Incident Wave Condition in Shallow Water Equation
A method to consider open boundary condition of the shallow water equation to analyze water surface wave and tide is employed in the finite element anaysis. This can be done by considering...





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