Experience With a Water Distribution System Model
The City of Santa Cruz has a water distribution system covering approximately 30 square miles (78 km2) and serving 75,000 people. The population...

Graphical Canal Model for System Operators and Planners
Contra Costa Water District operates the Contra Costa Canal, part of California's Central Valley Project. Hydrocomp, Inc. developed an interactive graphical model of the canal...

Input Processor Package for Water System Studies
An input processor package for a water distribution simulation model has been developed and field tested. This preprocessor enables users with little or no computer use experience to directly...

Simulation Model for Economic Irrigation Project Planning and Design
The principle design parameters considered are: water supply configurations (quantity, source and storage); shapes and sizes of the area to be served; on-farm irrigation techniques; cropping...

Optimal Allocation of Water for Irrigation and Hydropower
This study examines how hypothetical changes in irrigation practices affect downstream hydropower sites. Dynamic programming and simulation techniques are coupled to determine optimal...

IRSIS, A Software Package for Irrigation Scheduling
IRSIS (IRrigation Scheduling Information System) has been developed to solve problems concerning irrigation scheduling at field level. For a given climate, crop and field it offers the...

Optimal Real-Time Pump and Irrigation Scheduling for Center-Pivot Sprinkler Systems
A comprehensive scheduling algorithm is presented for optimally integrating irrigation and pump operational decisions in center-pivot sprinkler systems. Dynamic programming successive...

Hydrologic and Institutional Water Availability
A simulation study was performed to evaluate the amount of water which can be supplied by a system of 12 reservoirs located in the Brazos River Basin. The generalized computer models HEC-3...

Water Quality Management During Low-Flow Periods: A Systems Analysis Approach
Water quality objectives may require water managers to consider deviations from original project purposes to provide downstream water quality maintenance during low-flow periods. The decision...

Meeting Environmental Commitments at Power Plants Using Real-Time Reservoir Scheduling
This paper describes two different real-time modeling systems that determine if scheduled hydro releases will affect meeting environmental commitments. The modeling system for John Sevier...

The Los Vaqueros Model: A Microcomputer-Based Reservoir Planning System
This paper describes the development and application of a set of microcomputer models for the evaluation of a complex water resources project. The Los Vaqueros Model includes components...

Biological Methods Petroleum Hydrocarbons Cleanup
Cleanup of the ground water and soils from hydrocarbon spills has mainly focused on air stripping and activated carbon for ground-water treatment, and vapor extraction and excavation followed...

A Tale of Two Subjects: Modern Physics and River Mechanics
The Einsteins, father and son, made some of the greatest contributions to physics and to river mechanics, respectively. The modern phases of these two subjects are of roughly equal age....

The State of Art of Physical Modelling of Sediment Transport
The paper attempts formula some ideas about the state of the art in the field of physical modelling of sediment transport processes. Up to now the physics of sediment transport are not...

The State of the Art in Sediment Transport Modelling
The physical understanding and mathematical modelling of the water and sediment motion in rivers, estuaries and coastal waters have made much progress in recent years by various research...

New Developments in Modeling 3-D Sedimentation Phenomena
This paper is intended to summarize the new findings accomplished recently in an effort to develop highly stable and efficient numerical models to correctly and accurately simulate three-dimensional...

Total Sediment Transport and Its Physical and Mathematical Modeling
Some main results in the field of sediment transport theories obtained by the author are presented. Based on these theories, the methods of physical and mathematical modeling for total...

Quasi-3D and Fully 3-D Modelling of Suspended Sediment Transport
The influence of different velocity and eddy viscosity fields on the computation of suspended sediment concentration and sediment transport rates, is presented here. Two different mathematical...

Numerical Modeling of Suspended Sediment Transport
Validity domain of hypothesis of depth integration has been approached by comparison of results of depth integrated model with complete vertical models. Use of shape functions to represent...

Advances in Computational Mobile-Bed Hydraulics
A new conceptual approach to one-dimensional mobile-bed simulation is briefly described, along with two demonstrative examples. The approach is based on fully coupled solution of the unsteady...





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