Stormwater Management Program for the Pittsburgh International Airport
This paper describes the Pittsburgh International Airport Stormwater Management Program which was developed to provide a comprehensive approach to stormwater management on the PIT property,...

Stormwater Management Practices in New Jersey?Suggestions for Improvements
The State of New Jersey, due to large population density and intensive development, has become a frontier in regulating the stormwater runoff. This paper presents an overview of current...

Implementation of Storm Water Management Programs in the California Land Development Process
One of the most powerful and encompassing tools for introducing storm water management programs to land development is through California's general plan process. California cities and...

Flow Augmentation in the Fenholloway River Basin
Methods to enhance water quality were examined in a north Florida river basin containing industrial wastewater effluent from a paper pulp mill. Streamflow augmentation was determined to...

Education, Research and Training Model for Minority Students in Irrigated Agriculture
Minorities are significantly underrepresented in science and engineering fields in the United States. To attract and retain capable minority students will require the development of programs...

Long Range Planning for System Rehabilitation and Improvement
The Turlock Irrigation District, located in the Central Valley of California, supplies irrigation water to 150,000 acres and electricity to over 60,000 customers. The District's irrigation...

A Frost Protection Design for Fruit Trees in Southwest Colorado
The project explores the feasibility of producing commercial quantities of fruit in the high and arid environment of Southwestern Colorado by using low-volume water delivery systems for...

The Covington Master Drainage Plan
Located in the southeastern portion of King County, Washington, the 1,240-acre Covington area had been identified in 1985 as an 'urban activity center,' a place designated for regional...

Managing Urban Growth an Irrigation District's Perspective
Urban growth within the Turlock Irrigation District has converted some property from agricultural to urban use. The District has established policies and developed documents and procedures...

Without Water Transfers, Cities will Thirst
California will have to depend on water transfers from agricultural areas for at least the next ten years to supply water needed for increasing municipal and industrial (urban) uses. California's...

Wastewater Treatment and Disposal System for a Vegetable Processing Facility
The authors describe the implementation of a wastewater management system designed to dispose of up to 2.1 million gallons of vegetable processing wastewater generated per day at Bellingham...

Water Resource Management on the Texas High Plains: Controlled Chaos or a Model of Efficiency?
Rarely is a region's social and economic well-being more closely tied to a particular resource than on the semi-arid Texas High Plains, where the water supply is variable, often limited...

Kern County Water Agency?1991 Emergency Ground Water Recovery Program
The 1991 Emergency Ground Water Recovery Program was conceived and implemented by the Kern County Water Agency to deliver water to four water districts to save permanent crops. The Program...

GIS Utilization for Analysis of District Drainage Water Recycling
An ARC-INFO GIS system was used to identify physical drainage facilities in a 32,000 ha area of the San Joaquin Valley of California. Once the drainage facilities and linkages were established,...

A GIS Based, Pilot Scale, Wellhead Protection Project for Southern New Mexico
The 1986 amendments to the Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA) mandated that each state develop a wellhead protection program. Wellhead protection (WHP) means the protection of groundwater...

Strategies to Preserve Endangered Salmon in the Columbia River
The recent listing of some Snake River salmon stocks as threatened and endangered has forcefully brought Pacific Northwest resource interests together to seek solutions to preserve the...

USDA Actions to Replace Wildlife Values Lost Due to Irrigation Improvements ? Colorado Salinity Program
USDA is challenged by the conflict generated within the environmental community between advocates wanting irrigation water conservation and water quality improvements and those wanting...

Polyacrylamide Decreases Furrow Erosion
Erosion from furrow irrigated land is a serious problem in southern Idaho and several other areas. Polyacrylamide, a very long chain polymer, increases aggregate stability and flocculates...

Impact of Surge Irrigation on Furrow Water Advance
Surge irrigation was compared to continuous flow in Nebraska from 1983 - 1990. As a result of surge irrigation, advance inflow times were reduced an average of 20 percent compared to continuous...

Sustained Yield of the Provo Groundwater Basin
The sustained yield of the Provo Groundwater Basin has been determined by a correlation analysis of the change in groundwater levels with the April-October stream flow at the mouth of...





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