Response of Structures to Horizontal-Vertical Earthquakes
In the present work, the responses of a class of hysteretically nonlinear structures subjected to the combined horizontal and vertical random ground accelerations are studied. A massless...

Environmental Engineering
The American Society of Civil Engineers annually sponsors a Specialty Conference on Environmental Engineering. The 1987 Conference was held in Orlando, Florida on July 7-9, 1987 with cooperation...

A Burning Wasteland Reclaimed
Until recently the PJP Landfill exemplified what can happen when uncontrolled and illegal dumping goes on for many years. Now it is an example of what innovation and imagination can do...

Cleanup on a Large Scale
The San Gabriel Basin yields 200,000 ac ft of groundwater a year from 400 supply wells. This water makes up 95% of the Valley's water supply. Already 30% of the water pumped...

The Use of Microcomputers to Perform Airport Emission Inventories
The authors found the use of LOTUS 1-2-3, a microcomputer spreadsheet package that permitted easy calculation of emissions and easy revision of data for studying options in aircraft types,...

Land Application of Wastewater Sludge
Prepared by the Task Committee on Land Application of Sludge of the Committee on Water Pollution Management of the Environmental Engineering Division of ASCE. ...

Another Geotech Import: Deep Soil Mixing
A technique called deep soil mixing (DSM), imported from Japan, has been used to stabilize an existing dam foundation. When the Bureau of Reclamation discovered that Jackson Lake Dam had...

Maximum-Slew-Rate Nonlinear Control for Improved Transient Response in Hydrogenerators
This paper considers a linearized model for fixed blade turbines. This paper demonstrates that constant gate speed bang-bang control holds potential advantages over current control techniques....

Gas Bubble Disease in Trout Below a Low Dam
Research and efforts to reduce nitrogen supersaturation which is affecting trout in the Bighorn River, Montana, below Yellowtail Afterbay Dam is described. Nitrogen supersaturation can...

Frazil Ice Problems in Intakes at Montreal
Intakes located in reaches of the St. Lawrence River that stay open all winter can be subjected to frazil ice formation for nearly three months. The City of Montreal intake is a key example...

The Transport of Crude Oil Under Saline Ice
A mathematical model was developed to describe the forces acting on an oil slick under saline ice in the presence of a water current. The model was verified through a set of laboratory...

Clean-up in the Rockies
The shallow aquifer flowing beneath the Rocky Mountain Arsenal, just outside of Denver, has become contaminated with a number of toxic substances. Until the arsenal can be cleaned-up,...

Cleaning Up Toxics
Case histories show how several different types of contamination cleanup were handled. In Attleboro, Mass., washwater, used to decontaminate equipment and tools after cyanide was removed...

Soil Quality Testing in Ports: Why?
The Port of Seattle has instituted an agency-wide environmental protection guidelines which include the option to prepare site histories and perform chemical screening of soils prior to...

Designing Marinas to Mitigate Impacts
The John Wayne Marina was permitted for construction only after certain design features were altered to accomodate major biological and water quality concerns. The moorage basin was relocated...

Marina Design and Environmental Concern
Research initiated by a Florida Cabinet Resolution of August 6, 1974, has generated two models for the evaluation of the impact of marina development on coastal waters. One, a complex...

Marina Flushing and Sedimentation
The paper discusses a one-dimensional circulation model for the marina. Tides are modeled as long waves and are assumed to be much longer than the marina. This circulation model is coupled...

Bugs and Carbon Make a PACT
At its Chambers Works in southern New Jersey, DuPont was ordered to sharply reduce the BOD load in the wastewater it discharged to the Delaware River. Out of this mandate came the PACT...

Physics-Based Modeling of Lakes, Reservoirs, and Impoundments
This book provides an overview of considerations that apply to modeling flow and transport in lakes, reservoirs, and impoundments using equations based on conservation principles. Specific...

Field Study of Specialized Bacteria for Nitrification
A full scale field study using specialized bacteria was conducted to determine its effectiveness in achieving nitrification while quantifying dosage rates. A side-by-side comparison of...





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