Planning/Analysis of VPA's Norfolk North Terminal
The Virginia Port Authority (VPA) is developing a new marine container terminal on the northern portion of its land at Norfolk International Terminals (NIT). The terminal is to be designed...

Analysis of Dredged Material Deposition Patterns
Between November 1, 1989 and 30 March, 1990, nearly 1 million cubic yards of dredged material were disposed in Puget Sound as the first phase (Element I) of the construction of the Navy's...

A Computational Berthing Model for the Design of Fender Systems
The IRF numerical model has not been widely applied to the design of fender systems although the method has been extensively confirmed by hydraulic model tests and partially verified by...

Design Criteria for Ferry Landings
This paper describes an ongoing research project conducted by the University of Washington Department of Civil Engineering to develop design criteria for the Washington State Ferry System....

Model Tests for Expansion of Anaheim Bay Naval Harbor
Modifications to the Anaheim Bay, California, Harbor complex have been proposed to enable larger ships to access the existing wharf for direct loading of ordnance. In addition, new deepwater...

Barbers Point Harbor: A Unique Solution for Port Upgrade
A remote-controlled model of a C9 containership was used to evaluate the navigability of existing harbor and entrance channel conditions in a three-dimensional physical model of Barbers...

Evaluation of Proposed Port Facilities, Charleston Harbor, South Carolina
Often it is necessary for port facility designers to evaluate various alternative development plans for port facilities. These evaluations may include a ship navigability study or an evaluation...

Honolulu Harbor Ship Traffic Simulation and Animation Study
A computer simulation and animation study was conducted to investigate the operational impacts of projected ship traffic increases and harbor reconfiguration specified in the Honolulu...

Los Angeles-Long Beach Harbors Model Enhancement Program
In response to the expansion of oceanborne world commerce, the Ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach, California, in coordination with the Los Angeles District of the U.S. Army Corps of...

Ship Simulation of the Houston Ship Channel, Houston, Texas
The Houston Ship Channel (HSC) consists of approximately 65 miles of improved deep-draft channels. The present channel is 400 ft wide and 40 ft deep at mean low tide for most of the channel...

Modeling Instantaneous Residential Demands in Municipal Water Distribution Systems
A modeling scheme is proposed for simulating the intensity, duration, and frequency of instantaneous indoor water use at a single family residence. The intensity and duration of indoor...

Use of Interactive Simulation Environments for the Development of Negotiation Tools
Interactive computer programs have been used successfully for many years to facilitate the planning and operation of water resources. Recently, advances in computer software have made...

Spatial Decision Support System for Toxic Spill Modeling in the Ohio River
Spatial decision support systems (SDSS) are hardware-software systems that incorporate spatial analysis and modeling in a workstation environment. The Ohio River Valley Water Sanitation...

Use of Interactive Simulation Environments for Evaluation of Water Supply Reliability
This paper investigates physical performance measures and their practical application to a regional water resource system for western Washington. Specific criteria for characterizing the...

Computer-Aided Support for Water Quality Modeling of the Russian River
A computer-aided support system for operation of the QUAL2E-UNCAS modeling packaged has been developed for modeling of the Russian River, California. The system has been created under...

A Decision Support System for Water Quality Modeling
A prototype Decision Support System (DSS) has been developed to evaluate the environmental and economic consequences of alternative farming practices. This system was developed to help...

Modified QUAL2E Modeling of a Stream Acutely Impacted by Photosynthesis and Respiration
The QUAL2E model was modified to account for time variable headwater conditions and the photosynthesis and respiration of attached aquatic plants. With these modifications, a stream that...

A GIS Based Synthetic Watershed Sediment Routing Model
For most watersheds, extensive water quality data are not available. Land use, topographic, edaphic and meteorological information is generally available; but without extensive water quality...

Development of the San Fernando Basin Groundwater Flow Model
This paper describes the development and calibration of the San Fernando Basin (SFB) groundwater flow model. The SFB is the largest groundwater basin in the Upper Los Angeles River Area...

Hydrologic Investigation of the April, 1983 Flooding in New Orleans, Louisiana
During the rainstorm of April 6-7, 1983, a shell ramp was constructed over State Highway 406, closing the relatively shallow depression formed by the roadway passing over the levee which...





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